Three more China ships were spotted in the vicinity of Bajo de Masinloc in Zambales, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) reported Tuesday.
According to PCG Spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea (WPS) Commodore Jay Tarriela, they monitored the ships using Dark Vessel Detection approximately 100-130 nautical miles off Zambales.
The fleet includes Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessel 5901 dubbed as “The Monster,” CCG 3502 and CCG 3103.
CCG-5901 was patrolling approximately 99.37 nautical miles from Zambales, CCG-3502 at 131.70 nautical miles; and CCG-3103 at 133.97 nautical miles, according to Tarriela.
Currently, the BRP Teresa Magbanua is actively challenging China vessels off the coast of Zambales.
CCG vessel 3304 has been tracked at an average distance of 82-88 nautical miles from the shoreline.
“The PCG is committed to ensuring the safety of our fishermen, safeguarding our maritime jurisdiction, enforcing international law, and preventing escalation of tensions,” Tarriela said.