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Sunday, September 22, 2024

OPAPRU cites SC ruling on Bangsamoro Law

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The Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity (OPAPRU) on Thursday welcomed the Supreme Court’s (SC) affirmation of the constitutionality of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL).

OPAPRU Secretary Carlito Galvez J. said the SC decision strengthened the Bangsamoro people’s “decades-long struggle for self-determination and genuine autonomy in their homeland.”

Galvez also said the ruling decision represented a “resounding validation of the Bangsamoro people’s aspirations for self-governance and self-determination which they have pursued over the years with utmost determination, commitment, and dignity.”

“The Supreme Court’s recognition of the constitutionality of the parliamentary system of governance of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) further solidifies the region’s right to chart its political and economic future,” Galvez stressed.

“More importantly, it empowers the Bangsamoro people to govern themselves in a way that respects, honors, and gives recognition to their rich history, ancestry, and cultural heritage,” he added.

OPAPRU also acknowledged the High Court’s ruling on the exclusion of Sulu from the BARMM.

“In light of this decision, the national government stands in full support of the BARMM leadership headed by Ahod Balawag Ebrahim, as it navigates the implications of this ruling and continues to uphold its mandate of serving the Bangsamoro people,” it added.

“Having existed as an autonomous geographical and political unit for over five years, the Bangsamoro government has demonstrated its ability to manage the complexities of governance and development. We are confident that it will respond to the High Court’s with the same strength, resilience, and wisdom that has defined its journey thus far, as enshrined in the BOL,” the OPAPRU said.

“OPAPRU remains unwavering in its commitment to fulfilling the commitments of the national government made under all signed peace agreements, particularly those aimed at enhancing the socioeconomic conditions of the Bangsamoro people, and sustaining the gains of peace in Sulu and the whole BARMM region,” it said.

“We call on our Bangsamoro brothers and sisters to embrace this Supreme Court ruling with the positive outlook as a testament to the strength of the rule of law and democracy in our country,” Galvez said.


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