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Sunday, September 29, 2024

No discussions between PH and China on West Philippine Sea situation

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Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro Jr. on Tuesday said that there’s no “military-to-military discussion” among the Department of National Defense (DND), the Armed Forces of the Philippines(AFP), and their Chinese counterparts regarding the management of the situation in the West Philippine Sea.

In the Senate hearing on the June 17 ramming incident between the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and Philippine sailors, Teodoro said he does not see any such discussion in his time as the country’s defense chief.

“I have not seen any. None, ma’am, during my time,” Teodoro told Senator Imee Marcos.

Senator Marcos asked Teodoro if the Philippines has made a decision to discuss the matter at any point in time to which he replied “No, ma’am, until some fundamental processes have been settled where there are no recriminations.”

Marcos also asked Teodoro “if it would be much more prudent to simply talk” with their Chinese counterparts, “even on an informal basis?”

“No, ma’am, because they have a tendency of using the talks against us. They have not proven a level of good faith that would warrant our sensitive department to talk to them,” Teodoro responded.

Marcos furthered her curiosity. “When was the last time, to your knowledge, if it wasn’t under your watch, when was the last time there was a military-to-military discussion? We’re all fully aware, of course, that after 15 years, the United States  is now talking to China on a military-to-military basis. I was just curious if the Philippines has followed that example,” she asked.

Teodoro lamented that the Philippines did not enter into a similar engagement with China.

“No, ma’am, because they have not displayed a level of trust and confidence that would make me confident enough to engage them on a fair and level playing field basis,” he explained.


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