Believe it or not, laugh lines are hot! Grey hair? Fabulous!
If you are at least 50 years old, and with a zest for fashion and style you might want to consider becoming a senior model. And if you were a runway gal in your 20s, well guess what? The industry wants you again.
Former runway models Pat Kraal, Béatrice André-Besse, and show producer Brandon Barker recently launched Platinum Angels Management (PAM), the only agency in Singapore that handles the career path of 50-something models, talents, and celebrities. The growing demand for “mature” models in Europe and the United States, inspired the three friends to join forces and open PAM.

With global brands celebrating the sales growth of baby boomer products, comes the growing need for silver-haired endorsers and influencers.
“Beatrice and Brandon were aware that age diversity in runaway was maturing substantially in Europe and they felt it was time to extend that ideology to Singapore, and that’s how PAM was born,” shared PAM co-founder Pat Kraal.
The former Singapore supermodel strutted the Paris catwalk for Givenchy, Jean-Louis Scherrer, Balmain, Dior, and other top international designers. She modeled in Paris for 12 years before retiring to raise her four children now 30, 28, 23, and 21.
“In 2020 Brandon, whom I modeled with in the ‘80s, had a meeting with Béatrice, and things developed from there. It didn’t take much persuasion to convince me to join. Brandon and I are Singaporeans and Béatrice was based in Singapore, so starting in Singapore was the logical choice.”
In the past, 50-something models were just a small part of an agency’s portfolio of talents, but now, boutique agencies are catering mainly to lookers with laugh lines. The trend must have started in the US according to Pat, and in time, it started picking up in Europe.
Platinum Angels Management is open to anyone over 50 who wishes to become a model. Here, the agency has no age limit, and no specific height requirement although those with salt and pepper or silver hair truly have an advantage.
Authenticity is key and the agency revels in the natural aging process. Wrinkles, age spots, and platinum hair are most welcome “ We absolutely do not want those who have undergone radical cosmetic surgery or botox,” she said.
For now, most of the talents are ex-models they worked with in the 80s.
“Reuniting and working with them after more than 40 years brought back fond memories. We are gradually adding applicants from all over the world to our roster of models, and if everything goes well, we hope to grow internationally.”
PAM is not only opening new opportunities for the older set, but it also debunks traditional beliefs that modeling is just for the youth. And with the right outlook, one can have grandchildren and still be a model. “The way you think affects the way you act. You can be old at 40 or youthful at 60, it all depends on your frame of mind.”
It all boils down to one’s health, which is as important as one’s good looks. “The most essential advice I can give is to ensure that your health is as good as it can be and that your quality of life continues to improve. Don’t let insignificant matters bother you; instead, make this a time of vibrant, goal-setting accomplishments.”
If you are 50-something and are considering a career in modeling, why not be an angel. Check out for details.