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Baguio to host 70th yearly mining confab

BAGUJIO City—Hundreds of mining industry stakeholders will gather here for the 70th Annual Mine Safety and Environment Conference spearheaded by the Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association (PMSEA) on Nov. 19 to 22.

One of the major highlights of the week-long event is the partnership between the PMSEA and Business Sweden to aggressively promote sustainable mining practices, to be sealed with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU).

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PMSEA president Luis Sarmiento said the transformative collaboration is set to be a major step forward for the country’s mining industry.

PMSEA is a forerunner in practicing and promoting responsible mining in the country, and plays host to numerous mining operations over the past several decades.

Sarmiento underscored the group’s commitment to significantly improve mining safety and environmental standards.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration to achieve responsible mining that is beneficial not only to the industry, the community but also the people living in mining areas around the country.

“PMSEA has worked with various foreign missions in the country to bolster our mining industry’s capabilities. Every year, we also welcome the diplomatic corps to the Annual Mine Safety and Environment Conference in Baguio,” Sarmiento stressed.

AMSEC is PMSEA’s banner event held every November in Baguio that coincides with the celebration of the Mine Safety Week where this year will be the AMSEC’s platinum year.

“We are proud that Sweden is our partner country for the 70 th AMSEC,” he added.

Swedish charge d’affaires Herald Fries said the signing of the MOU is the beginning of leading the way in mining sustainability and it is essential to the shared future of both the Philippines and Sweden.

State Minister for International Development Cooperation and foreign trade Hakan Geyrell also highlighted Sweden’s efforts and dedication to climate change and economic growth.

For his part, vice president and head for Region South and Southeast Asia of business Asia Emil Akander shared the overview of the joint project and provided Sweden’s pursuit of supporting the Philippines in advancing and accelerating its mining industry into greener, safer and more productive mining operations.

The partnership and project showcases PMSEA’s consistency in advocating sustainability and continuously striving for the betterment of the mining sector and that it will serve as a promise to work jointly with Business Weden to improve environmental protection and safety standards geared towards sustainable mining.

On Nov. 20, the usual Norfolk tree rejuvenation along Session Road will be conducted, followed by the mining exhibit, the community relations conference, Youth Congress and mining night with fireworks display.


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