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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Parañaque schools prepare for 2024 National Learning Camp

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Teachers are holding their kick-off ceremonies and finalizing learning materials as schools across Parañaque prepare for the National Learning Camp (NLC) on Tuesday, July 2.  

Select students from Grades 1 to 3 and Junior High School lacking competencies in key subjects will be given learning intervention during the 3-week camp.

At Parañaque National High School – Main, one of Metro Manila’s densely populated high schools, students who have failed to excel in either Mathematics, Science, or English will be given focus in the activity.

According to Richie Belloy, focal person of the campus-wide NLC, while the actual teaching will be done inside the classroom, camp-like activities will be held outside.

“We will set up tents for the students to feel the camp-like atmosphere. All the areas in the school will be utilized because we will be having our integrative activities,” Belloy said.  

Moreover, she stressed the inclusion of ways that would help troubled learners cope with the needed skills through non-traditional methods, such as games.

Asked about the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results, Assistant Principal Kirk Magdamit is optimistic that the camp would “fill the gap” in addressing the said concern.

School chief Gerry Lumaban admits the camp’s limitations given the limited, voluntary service of teachers compared to the entire population of the campus.

“There might be a possibility that we will be doing this school-based, where we can offer materials and activities for the succeeding semester as an intervention program,” Lumaban said.

Dr. Dids Morales, focal person of the division NLC, expects improvement in the program’s focus areas, such as numeracy and literacy for elementary students and core subjects for high school.

“We expect KS1 (Key Stage 1) students to read with comprehension because this skill covers everything,” Morales said in an interview.

“We hope that campers in NLC will read and count with comprehension because there are those who can do them without it,” he added.  

Other schools, such as Parañaque Science High School, will not be joining the NLC as their skillset and competency would not require their participation. Instead, it will conduct remediation and other related school-based activities for certain learners, according to Assistant to the Principal Wilmarie Montes.

The NLC of the Division of Parañaque will begin accomodating stakeholders tomorrow in all public schools across the city.

Meanwhile, the national-level kick-off ceremony will take place in Cebu on July 10,m, according to Education Undersecretary Michael Poa. — With Rolando Ng III


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