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Wednesday, May 8, 2024


How to transition your cat to new food

Cats are known for being selective about their food choices, which might lead pet owners to stick with one type of food for convenience. It can be quite the challenge to transition a fussy cat to a different diet, and many may prefer to avoid the hassle altogether. It might seem like a hard task, but with careful planning and gradual adjustments, it can be a smooth and beneficial process...

Controlling your dog’s eating behavior

Controlling the eating behavior of your pet is not only about establishing...

Human food your cats can eat (and what to avoid)

As loving pet owners, we often find ourselves tempted to share our...

Understanding Dog Shedding: Facts and Management Tips

Dog shedding is a natural phenomenon that every pet owner encounters, varying...



Exploring the healing potential of herbs for cats and dogs

In the realm of holistic pet care, herbs stand out as potent allies in promoting health and wellness for our beloved furry companions. Just...

Tear stains in dogs

As pet owners, we have grown familiar with seeing the unattractive reddish-brown marks near the eyes of our pets, usually those with white fur....

Animal welfare and ethical boundaries in social media

Last of two parts. Toothpaste: Human toothpaste with sodium fluoride can be toxic to pets when ingested. Dr. Flansburg-Cruz recommends using pet-friendly toothpaste for brushing dogs'...

Healthy food for your dog’s heart

Have you ever thought about how crucial your dog's heart is for their overall well-being? It's not just about their heart pumping—it's also about...


