29.4 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Natural ways to treat fleas and ticks on pets

Fleas and ticks are not only a nuisance for pets but can also pose significant health risks. While conventional treatments are effective, they often come with concerns about toxicity for pets and the environment. Thus, many pet owners are seeking natural alternatives. Understanding Fleas and Ticks Fleas thrive in warm, humid conditions and can multiply rapidly. Mary Bay, in the article titled "Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs,” says that...

Is your cat depressed?

Cats are often perceived as aloof and independent, which makes it challenging...

Missy Sunshine: From abandoned dog to ring bearer

On a beautiful day in June, 2014, Virgilio Cabanag, a kind-hearted resident...


We have been encountering posts on dogs, cats, and other animals on...



Keeping it safe for our pets during Christmas

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and many pet owners intend to involve their four or two-legged non-human family member in the celebrations. It's crucial...

Pet–safe recipes in first Let’s Cook Pare cooking fair

A first of its kind indeed! Let’s Cook, Pare!, a 280,000-strong Facebook group for humans who love to cook, did not only give humans a...

Does your cat have what it takes to be a cat influencer?

They’re cute, they’re cuddly, and they are as famous as any A-list Hollywood celebrity. Meet the adorable cat influencers. When we hear the word...

Hamsters as Pets

Small rodents known as hamsters are frequently kept as pets in homes. They can be identified from other rodents by their small ears, stubby...


