29.5 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Business Class by Rudy Romero

LATEST Business Class by Rudy Romero


EEC was doing well without UK

"Perhaps it would have been better all around if Britain had not done joined and, instead, had just stayed out."   For people with a keen...

Two months left for 2019 GDP catch-up

"There’s not enough time."     With the arrival of November, there are only two months left in 2019. The administration of President Rodrigo Duterte is now...

HK rejecting ‘one country, two systems’ concept

"Its people deserve the world’s admiration and support."     Frustrated by his country’s failure to achieve solid economic progress after almost two decades of communist rule,...

NEDA structure needs reexamination

"There is, and there long has been, no need for a full-Cabinet membership."   There appears to be dissatisfaction in some quarters about the effectiveness and...


