Over 200 mascots brought joy to mall goers at the SM Mall of Asia (MOA) on New Year's Day. The Giant Mascot Parade featured giant inflatables and beloved SM MOA characters like Mimi the Cat and Momo the Dog, and Sola the Panda from SM Southmall. The SM MOA Royal Marching Band, guest bands, and cheerleaders filled the air with music, while a meet-and-greet and a spectacular fireworks display...
Over 200 mascots brought joy to mall goers at the SM Mall of Asia (MOA) on New Year's Day. The Giant Mascot Parade featured giant inflatables and beloved SM MOA characters like Mimi the Cat and Momo the Dog, and Sola the Panda from SM Southmall. The SM MOA Royal Marching Band, guest bands, and cheerleaders filled the air with music, while a meet-and-greet and a spectacular fireworks display...
Land Bank of the Philippines is named the top government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) for the second consecutive year, earning the highest rating for...
Sun Life Grepa Financial Inc., a joint venture between the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC) and Sun Life Philippines (Sun Life), underscores the need...
EastWest is gearing up for a stronger 2025 by renewing its exclusive partnership with Unioil, the pioneer of clean and innovative fuel solutions. The...