If your dog is overweight, cucumber is one vegetable you can give as a treat to your dog.
In “Fruits and Vegetables Dogs Can or Can’t Eat,” the Animal Kennel Club (AKC) said cucumber contains little to no carbohydrates, fats, or oils. Despite the low carbs and fat content, cucumbers boost energy levels, the AKC said.
Likewise, cucumbers are packed with vitamins K, C, and B1, and minerals such as potassium, copper, magnesium, and biotin.

Maggie Clancy, in “Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers? Are Cucumbers Safe For Dogs?” in dogtime. com, said cucumbers are very safe for dogs.
“Can dogs eat cucumbers? Maybe you were preparing a salad and your dog accidentally grabbed a piece of cucumber, or perhaps you are looking for healthy treats for your dog. Humans can eat cucumbers, so are cucumbers safe for dogs to eat?,” Clancy remarked. Yes, she said. But not the pickled ones.
“In fact, with the vegetable’s low caloric value and water content, a cucumber can make an excellent healthy treat for your dog,” Clancy said.
But as always, please ask your vet first if you can give cucumber to your dog. Your vet knows your dog more.
“You should ask your vet before sharing any human foods with your dog, including cucumbers, “ Clancy said.

Benefits of cucumber for dogs
1. Cucumbers hydrate dogs. It is best to be given during hot days, or during summer. “Cucumbers are about 96 percent water, which makes them excellent, hydrating treats for dogs,” Clancy said.
2. Cucumbers are low-calorie treats, “makes them an excellent choice for dogs on a weight-loss regimen,” Clancy said.
3. Cucumbers can help keep a dog’s bones healthy and strong too because it is loaded with Vitamin K.
4. Cucumbers contain vitamins and minerals that help keep a dog’s liver and kidneys functioning properly.
5. A great bonus, Clancy said, is that cucumbers have phytochemicals and phytonutrients that help eliminate bad breath. But feeding your dog cucumbers should not replace brushing their teeth, she said, but it can help with dogs who have stinky breath.

Safe way to give cucumber to dogs
Clancy suggested the following:
1. Talk to your vet and ask how much cucumber, if she/he allows your dog to be given this vegetable, you can feed to your dog and how many servings will be appropriate, Clancy said.
2. Like you do with other fruits and vegetables, please thoroughly wash cucumbers before giving them to your dog.
3. Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces, “as simply giving your dog a cucumber to gnaw on could easily become a choking hazard,” Clancy stressed.
4. It is best to remove the cucumber skin, as dogs can not digest them well. But a little bit of cucumber skin here and there won’t be detrimental to your dog’s health, Clancy ssaid.
5. Make sure to give your dog cucumbers in moderation. Too much hydrating vegetable can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea.

Warning about cucumbers
NEVER give pickled cucumbers or pickles to your dog, said Clancy.
“…the spices used to season the pickle can be dangerous for your dog. Stick to plain, peeled cucumbers if you want to give your dog a healthy snack, “ Clancy said.
Cucumber is a cooling food. Please make sure to give it during hot days or the summer time. During rainy season or cold days, give only a little but with a warming food like pineapple or mangoes or beef to balance the temperature in your dog’s body, and thus prevent illnesses.