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Saturday, July 27, 2024

CDC to reopen parks, public places in Clark

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Clark Freeport—The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) recently announced that it will reopen parks, open spaces, bike paths, and other communal outdoor spaces here effective September 16, 2021, but with strict compliance to guidelines.

DISCIPLINE IS THE KEY. As parks and public places in Clark reopen on September 16, 2021, the Clark Development Corporation (CDC) reminded the public to be responsible and abide by the park rules and regulations imposed in the Freeport. CDC-CD Photo

In a memorandum circular issued by the state-owned firm dated September 13, 2021, it intends to minimize risk and ensure the safety of the general public on the said areas of the Freeport.

For those planning to visit Clark, only individuals aged 15 to 65 years old except those with comorbidities or are currently pregnant, are allowed to participate in outdoor exercises, non-contact sports, and recreational activities here.

They must also bring their own trash home for proper disposal or throw it in the proper designated trash bins to keep Clark clean and green.

Standard safety protocols still remain such as wearing of face masks, even while engaged in strenuous activities – except when eating, drinking, and catching one’s breath.

In relation to this, bikers, joggers, or visitors must not be grouped to more than three in order to maintain social distance, except when they belong to one household.

A proof of residency will be required for those who will claim that they are living in the same household.

In adherence to the safety protocols imposed by the National Inter-Agency Task Force (NIATF), picnics, events without IATF approval, family gatherings, and similar activities are strictly prohibited in the Freeport.

Meanwhile, dog owners are only allowed to bring their pets at the K-9 cemetery, picnic grounds, and side streets and residential areas.

The owners shall be responsible in putting their pets on a leash, keeping an eye on them, and picking up and disposing of their waste properly to maintain cleanliness.

No pets are allowed in Clark’s parade grounds, Children’s playground, bike paths, and other areas not mentioned.

According to CDC President and CEO Manuel R. Gaerlan, the said guidelines are based on previous issuances from the NIATF, Department of Tourism (DOT), Philippine Sports Commission, Games and Amusement Board, and the Department of Health (DOH).

He also emphasized that bikers must follow traffic rules and road protocols, including respecting the right of way and the proper use of pedestrian lanes in this Freeport.


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