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Monday, June 17, 2024

The inevitable, unbeatable Duterte-Duterte dream team

“It’s a notoriously strong partnership.”

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Some politicians feverish about the upcoming presidential elections are up in arms against the possible Duterte-Duterte slate being pushed for President Duterte to run for vice-president in tandem with daughter Inday Sara as standard-bearer.

“Unconstitutional,” “political dynasty,” “nepotism,” and “madness” are but a few of the tags oppositionists and critics use to describe the proposed Inday Sara-Tatay Digong tandem.

The looming probability beleaguers and even terrifies the fragmented opposition groups who cannot even come up with definitive names of candidates to contend with Duterte-Duterte.

Clearly, there is no legal impediment to the President vying for vice-president.

Please correct me if I’m wrong. He cannot run for reelection as president but he can “succeed” if elected as VP in case the president gets eventually incapacitated or resigned.

I would say the issue of “political dynasty” must be left for the people or the electorate to decide whether they deem a Duterte daughter-father leadership inimical to the nation’s best interests.

But having said that, we are not making an endorsement here as Inday Sara, currently Davao City mayor, has not even decided to take on the challenge of the presidency despite the persistent widespread clamor.

Duterte critics and the yellow 1Sambayan coalition blasted the Duterte-Duterte proposition as utter “madness.”

Now, I will not blame the majority of Filipinos are actually crazy about the Duterte leadership amid extremely difficult times.

It is clear that President Duterte’s unprecedented popularity demands continuity of the government programs rolled out over the past five years.

The Duterte-Duterte tandem for many of us may be the dream team for the upcoming polls, but it is more important to understand and recognize the seriousness and the urgency of what is at stake on May 9, 2022.

Whoever the administration standard-bearer and running-mate turn out to be must carry on with the government response program against the COVID pandemic, as well as economic recovery efforts.

Whether the dream team will be Duterte-Duterte, or Inday Sara and Sen. Bong Go, Sarah and Bongbong Marcos, or other Duterte allies for the presidency and vice-presidency, it is most important to remember that all these must go beyond politics and popularity contests.

We are fortunate to have seasoned and credible Duterte allies who’ve proven themselves in the executive and legislative branches, ready to step up to the challenge of continuing the current government programs into the post pandemic era.

Thirty years since Tita Cory took over after Marcos fled to avoid bloodshed in 1986, her son Noynoy turned over the seat of power to a “notorious” small-town mayor of Davao City in 2016.

Once, Senate President Tito Sotto who is said to be eyeing the vice presidency in tandem with Sen. Ping Lacson, reportedly said he could not imagine at this time of pandemic the catastrophe if any other candidate would win the presidency over Mayor Duterte.

If I remember correctly, Sen. Lacson also said twice something like Inday Sara is the only choice among presidentiables.

We Filipinos will choose a notoriously strong leadership to get us through the greatest global crisis.


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