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Monday, June 17, 2024

Digital pride concert celebrates all kinds of love

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In celebration of the annual Pride Month by the LGBTQ+ community across the world, leading mobile services provider Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) has launched its #SimplyLove campaign to pay tribute to all kinds of love and promote a culture of diversity and inclusivity for a better world.

Smart’s #SimplyLove campaign kicked off with an online video defining a better world as one where “everyone is accepted, equal, loved, and proud.” 

Ben&Ben led the digital concert that celebrated Pride Month on Smart’s Facebook page. 
Ben&Ben led the digital concert that celebrated Pride Month on Smart’s Facebook page. 

The digital concert #SimplyLove Digital Pride streamed on the telco’s official Facebook page on June 20, featuring special performances by Ben&Ben, She’s Only Sixteen, and Words Anonymous. The online event also featured an interview with Mobile Legends star athlete OhmyV33nus and non-governmental organization LoveYourself Inc.

“The pandemic made us realize what truly matters like our need for love and connection. This collective realization is a great way to spark conversations on the importance of accepting and respecting the various expressions of love – because love is #SimplyLove regardless of your sexual orientation and gender identity,” said Jane J. Basas, SVP and Head of Consumer Wireless Business at Smart.

“As a mobile services provider, inclusivity and diversity are simply vital to our mission of bringing people together, bridging their gaps, and fostering connections. This is very much reflected in our work culture, to the way we embrace our customers from different walks of life and align ourselves with personalities who inspire and unite us,” she adds.

Smart encourages subscribers to use their online platforms for constructive conversations on diversity and inclusivity, as well as to share their inspiring stories using the official hashtag #SimplyLove.

The #SimplyLove campaign is part of Smart’s bigger advocacy for a Better World, which aims to inspire people to commit to sustainable actions with lasting, positive impact on society. As a brand, Smart encourages everyone to ignite their passions to help change the world for the better.

Know more about the #SimplyLove campaign by following Smart’s official accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


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