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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Gov’t to repair three Marawi mosques

Housing czar Eduardo del Rosario said Tuesday the rebuilding of the three mosques destroyed during the 2017 Marawi City siege will begin soon after the release of the funds for it.

“We (Task Force Bangon Marawi) have already issued the checks for mobilization of the three contractors for the three mosques,” Human Settlements and Urban Development chief of staff Zyril Carlos said.

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“So it’s not just a memorandum of agreement. Now it’s already a project.”

Carlos recently visited Marawi City to inspect the development of each project in Marawi’s most affected area.

Del Rosario, who leads the inter-agency TFBM, vowed to continuously affirm that the rehabilitation of the country’s only Islamic city remained on track and that it would be completed by December 2021 as promised by President Rodrigo Duterte.

After a thorough assessment of the sites, Carlos said the rebuilding process remained well within the government’s December 2021 timeline despite the heightened restrictions imposed within the city due to the Modified enhanced community quarantine.

“We are closely monitoring the progress to make sure that they are within the timetable,” he said.

Among the projects to be rebuilt are the Masjid Darussalam in Barangay Raya Madaya, Masjid Disomangcop in Barangay Daguduban and White Mosque in Barangay Lumbac Madaya.

In August, Del Rosario spearheaded the signing of three memorandums of agreement that enabled the rehabilitation of the three mosques using donated funds from private developers.

He said this would be the first time that TFBM would be using donated funds from private developers intended for socialized housing development and the rehabilitation of calamity-stricken areas, such as Marawi City.


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