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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mangoes for dogs

Yes, your dog can eat a mango.  But do not give the pit or  seed and the skin. These parts of the mango are not safe for dogs.

Never give the whole mango. You can only give the flesh or laman.

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If your dog is small,  cut the flesh of the mango into thin, small pieces.

“Dogs can safely eat mangos in small quantities if prepared correctly. Mangos are full of vitamins and antioxidants that can be beneficial to dogs,” said Melinda Story in “Can Dogs Eat Mango? A Complete Guide To Mango For Dogs in The Happy Puppy Site.

Too much mango though can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea.

“You should serve mango in small quantities with the pit and skin removed in order for your dog to enjoy it safely,”

A dog’s diet should contain mainly quality protein and fats.

Mangoes are safe for dogs. Never give  the skin and the seed/pit to your dog as this can lead to cyanide poisoning or blockage in the intestines.
Mangoes are safe for dogs. Never give  the skin and the seed/pit to your dog as this can lead to cyanide poisoning or blockage in the intestines.

Too much carbohydrates  and a diet high in sugar can have a negative effect on a dog’s health. Too much sugar can  cause heart disease, diabetes, and dental problems, and can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

 “A single mango has about 45 grams of sugar and that works out to 13 grams of sugar per 100 grams of fruit,” Story said.

Half a teaspoon up to a teaspoon is fine for small breed  dogs, while a tablespoon is okay for large breed dogs. It can be given once a week or a maximum of twice a week.

It should be given as a treat only as most of the nutrients a dog needs are already in his dry dog food or kibble.

"Like other food items, there is a chance that your canine companion may be allergic or intolerant, so start with just a bite and look out for signs of indigestion," Story warned.

Health benefits

Mangoes contain essential vitamins and minerals, like potassium, phosphorus, folate, calcium, and vitamins A, B6, C, and K.

Mangos are good for the eyes because they are full of antioxidants, including zeaxanthin.

The high water content and some fiber  in mangoes can aid in digestion.

The Vitamin A in mangoes can help keep a dog’s bone and  vision healthy, and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C in  mangoes can help sickly or aging dogs.

“While dogs do not need vitamin C in their diet because they produce it naturally, some research has shown that dietary vitamin C can be useful to ill and older dogs,” Story said.

The vitamin B6 in mangos  prevent anemia in dogs . “This nutrient is often found in dog food, but the vitamin can degrade quickly when placed in commercial foods,” Story said.

Potassium in mangoes can  help in proper nerve, heart, and kidney function.

Give only a small amount of  the  peeled mango (no seed) to your dog as mangoes have very high sugar content which is not good for dogs. Its vitamin C content however is good for dogs.

The vitamin K in the fruit is essential for blood clotting.

But remember, “Mango is not essential to a balanced doggie diet,” Story said.

“In fact, when it comes to mango for dogs, moderation is key. The vitamin C and the fructose in the mango can give your dog diarrhea and a high sugar diet can cause weight gain and other serious health issues in dogs,” Story added.

One or two slices a few times a week is  safe for your dog.

The Mango Pit/Seed

This part of the fruit – the pit/seed or buto –should never be given to a  dog.

The pit or seed  contains cyanide that is harmful to both humans and dogs.

“In fact, cyanide poisoning is a serious concern in animals. The compounds inside a mango pit convert into hydrogen cyanide once ingested. And dogs can die from ingesting cyanide,” Story said.

“Never feed or allow your dog to chew on a mango pit. If you think they may have eaten some of the pit, it is a medical emergency,” Story added.

The Mango Skin

They skin is not poisonous but  it is rough and made  out of indigestible plan cellulose.  The skin can block  up the intestines and make the dog very sick.

“Since most canines do not chew their food as well as they should, this can result in large pieces of mango peel blocking up the intestines. An intestinal blockage is a serious and life-threatening condition,” Story said.

Remove the skin and the seed before feeding the mango to your dog. The serious consequences are not worth the risk, Story stressed.

The Dried Mango

Is it safe for dogs?

A dried fruit is just a piece of  fruit without the water.  But it has a high concentration of sugar which is not good for dogs.

What to do when a dog has eaten a mango seed/pit

Call your vet immediately when this happens. Your dog can die.

“Not only can the pit make your canine sick from cyanide poisoning, but it can also become trapped in the intestinal tract,” Story said.

“This sort of blockage can be fatal and surgery may be needed to remove the blockage,” Story said.

If you think that your dog has eaten any kind of seed for that matter, bring your dog to the vet immediately.


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