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Saturday, July 27, 2024

What my father taught me

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Each father has a unique way to show his love to his children. Some instill discipline, others tell it through corny one-liners, and many impart wisdom. 

Our dads are a rich source of valuable lessons that can help us navigate through life—if we only listen and look past their imperfections. These children did, and now they share what they learned from their fathers.

“I have learned from my dad that success isn’t met without hard work. If you put hard work in all the things that you do, a lot of great opportunities will follow that will lead to your success.” — Allison Legaspi, student, 19

“He taught me how to live independently. Whenever I do something, he lets me do all the work. He taught me how to become responsible in everything. He guides and helps me solve every life problem that I encounter. He taught me how to become a man.” Jose Gabriel Latosa, student, 20

How to be independent and how to value myself are the greatest life lessons my dad taught me. He taught me how to stand up, how to speak up for the things I believe in, how to stand up for others, and how to face my fears, because he will not always be there to pick me up when I fall, or comfort me when I cry, or be there to scare away nightmares. Papa has always been a great provider and a very supportive father, and I will be forever grateful to my dad for being constantly present in every milestone in my life that it filled the gap of not being with him every day. Happy Father’s Day, Papa! I hope we could make more memories together soon. We love you!” — Alexandria Dennise San Juan, writer, 23

“My father taught me to serve others with compassion. He taught us to give without expecting anything in return, because we believe that when we serve others, we are also serving God.” — Graciela Ramirez, nursing student, 20 

My dad is known as ‘a man of few words.’ He doesn’t talk that much around other people. But in spite of that, I’ve seen how he was able to influence and make a positive impact on the people around him through his selfless service. Indeed, the best way to teach your children a lesson is to set a good example for them. And one great way to express your love to others is by giving some of your precious time and energy to serve them. All thanks to Papa for teaching us these important lessons, they have been our guide ever since. Happy Father’s Day, Papa Ermo! Thank you for everything. And know that I love you!” — Sarah Jean Baladad, accountant, 28

“My dad taught me to always work hard. [That] you must always give your 100 percent whenever you are given a task. My role model are my parents and I am nothing without them. My dad respects my mom, and my mom does the same thing. They are always there for each other. My dad shows me that family is important. I love you Dad, Happy Father’s Day! I am grateful that you are part of my life. Thank you so much for everything you have done for the family.” — Scottlee San Diego, student, 20

“I have been blessed with almost 22 years with my dad, and throughout those years, he has taught me to be patient. He taught me how to be patient in long queues, patient in letting others finish what they’re saying before I speak up, patient in trials and challenges, and most importantly, patient with myself.” — June Dominic Solidarios, BPO, 21

*Words have been edited for length and/or clarity


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