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Lamudi gives free aid to brokers in modified enhanced listing offer

Brokers were off to a rough start in 2020, and things continued to get worse as the pandemic raged on. Now that we’re seeing some progress towards normalcy as the country switched to the general community quarantine (GCQ) and modified GCQ, it’s high time for real estate players to consider their recovery options. To aid brokers in their plight, the leading real estate platform Lamudi, which has seen the demand bounceback early in May, is also making a switch: From June 1 to June 30, 2020, uploading up to 50 RFO (ready-for-occupancy) and rental listings on Lamudi is free. 

Lamudi gives free aid to brokers in modified enhanced listing offer

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Stimulating the Industry Bounceback 

All key players in the real estate industry play a part in the sector’s recovery. For the part of brokers, this means making properties available for seekers so that they can push through with their property purchase. Through Lamudi’s offer, brokers can upload up to 50 RFO and rental listings for free until June 30, 2020, and get their properties out there for the property buyers and investors to see.

This is the platform’s response to the call of the real estate brokers and agents for help during a time of crisis. In a survey conducted by Lamudi, brokers and agents revealed the bottlenecks they experienced during the enhanced community quarantine, including problems conducting trippings and experiencing a slowdown in leads. Lamudi’s initiative helps brokers especially with the latter, allowing property seekers to see their listings when they search online.

Early in May, the demand on Lamudi has already recovered 100%, which is good news for brokers. If they market their listings on the right channel, they can catch high-quality leads from the Philippines and from overseas, which will aid in their recovery during the GCQ. 

Offering Free Listings to Empower Broker Businesses

Lamudi’s Modified Enhanced Listing Offer has no strings attached. From June 1-30, 2020, brokers can post up to 50 RFO and rental listings on the platform for free. To make it even easier for brokers, Lamudi has simplified it into a two-step process: Brokers simply need to log in to their Lamudi account or register with a valid email address. Then, they can already start uploading their properties.

Through the Modified Enhanced Listing Offer, brokers and agents will get the following benefits:

An effortless digital transition onto a platform that gets 1.5 million monthly site visits. Property buyers and investors are online, and that’s where broker businesses should be, too. During this pandemic, brokers who switched to digital had clients rolling in even amid quarantines. Lamudi’s offer to post up to 50 free RFO and rental listings, which is available from June 1 to 30 only, can open the digital doors for broker businesses. 

An opportunity to level the playing field. Marketing real estate is important to generate high-quality leads. The industry is quite competitive, which means players with a bigger marketing budget may get a proportionally bigger slice of the pie. With the offer being valid for everyone, this brings even new and starting brokers to the platform where established players are. 

A one-stop-shop for lead management. It might not be too difficult to market one property, but marketing multiple listings can be stressful when done manually. On Lamudi’s platform, brokers simply have to upload the details of each property, answer inquiries, and track their leads seamlessly through Lamudi’s own Lead Management Tool. 

A way to get international leads from home. Brokers who have used Lamudi in the past remark on how easy it is to take their business to the international market through a Lamudi subscription. Property seekers who are coming from overseas, including OFWs looking for homes in the Philippines, are included in the leads brokers may generate when they post their listings on Lamudi.

As a digital platform, Lamudi sees the big picture that the real estate market is on track for recovery. Lamudi aims to push this recovery forward by aiding brokers who have been looking for a way to get more clients but currently do not have the means to spend on a Lamudi subscription. In a time when cash is king, Lamudi rises to the challenge and offers their platform to keep the industry afloat, all for free.

Visit to log in or register and start listing your properties online. 


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