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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Robi likens ECQ to being a PBB housemate

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TV host Robi Domingo gets reminded of Pinoy Big Brother because of the ongoing enhanced community quarantine. He weighs the similarities of ECQ to being inside the PBB house.

“Because of the ECQ, memories of my life at the PBB House came back. It’s like all of us are housemates. Now, I feel my parents and siblings. It’s one good opportunity in which I can bond with them,” he shares during an episode of Myx Daily Top 10.

The 30-year-old TV personality still can’t believe that a single virus could put the entire world on lockdown. During the first few days, he admits that he was perplexed and asked himself what’s happening.

“It’s like a movie that turned into reality. Imagine, you can’t go out…you can’t visit the usual places you hang around and there’s physical distancing. But as days passed by, I thought that it’s indeed happening and we have to accept it,” Robi relates.

As a result, Robi learns to value his family even more. He also starts to recognize those people whose works aren’t given much importance in ordinary times.

Host and TV personality Robi Domingo weighs  the similarities of the ongoing enhanced community quarantine to being inside the ‘Pinoy Big Brother’ house.

“I learn to appreciate those people more. Take for instance, the barbers. You will realize their importance especially at this point when you just can’t go out to have a simple haircut because of the quarantine.  There are also our helpers at home who are always serving you and see to it that your basic needs are met. I value them more now,” he says.

“These days, even if you have money to spend on food, you can’t enjoy it because you can’t go out. Even if you have a car, you can’t roam around. At the end of the day, you will realize that your family is all that matters. All things lose their value but not your family who’s with you through thick and thin,” he adds.

Meanwhile, Robi feels proud that he was able to exhibit his piano skills in one of the recent episodes of ASAP Natin ‘To where he even accompanied Sarah Geronimo in one production number. Little did people know, he started playing the instrument when he was just seven years old and only stopped because he got so immersed with his academics.

“I saw the performance and I’m simply happy about it. It was a dream come true for me. I have to say that Sarah will be one of my favorite singers and personalities. I thought it would never happen but thanks to ASAP, one of my cherished dreams materialized,” Robi shares.

* * *

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Erik Santos realizes that material things are not the most important in life. 

“It’s true. Because of this experience, my attachment to material things vanished. Even if you have lots of money and you possess the most expensive things, it’s useless because you’re just at home,” the pop singer avers.

Once the crisis is over, Erik vows to be more a more adventurous person and do things that he hasn’t done before.

“Life is short so do whatever it is that you want to do.” 

The enhanced community quarantine has made Erik appreciate the importance of sharing quality time with his family. 

“After this phase, I want to invest in wonderful experiences in life. Like, cherish my relationships with my family and friends even more. It would also be nice to travel than to buy things which only give temporary happiness. While you have bought a lot of nice clothes and shoes, you can’t use them now because of the quarantine. So, I want something that will have a lasting memory in my heart and mind.”

Erik admits that he also avoids reading or watching negative reports these days. He says it gives him peace of mind.

“Our anxiety is too much. So, I just want to remain positive and calm,” ends Erik.  


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