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Saturday, October 5, 2024

How to Know If Your Cat Truly Loves You

Felines have traditionally been perceived as aloof and independent creatures, leading their caregivers to question the depth of their affection. However, a deeper understanding of a cat’s communication style demonstrates that they can indeed display love, albeit in a more understated manner. Renowned experts in the field, such as Katie Grzyb, DVM, and Mustafa Tshash, highlight that cats are capable of experiencing and expressing love through a range of behaviors. Here are some indicators to help you recognize the signs of genuine affection from your cat.

Body Language: The Eyes Have It

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One of the clearest indicators of a cat’s affection is their body language, particularly through their eyes. As Katie Grzyb explains in “Does My Cat Love Me? Here’s How to Tell,” cats use eye contact to show trust and adoration. Slow blinking, often referred to as “cat kisses,” is a significant sign of a cat’s affection. When a cat looks at you with half-closed eyes and slowly blinks, they are expressing contentment and love.

Mustafa Tshash also highlights this behavior in “Does Your Cat Truly Love You? Here’s How You Know for Sure,” noting that slow blinks indicate a cat feels relaxed and safe in your presence.

Headbutts and Rubbing: Marking Their Territory

Another common behavior exhibited by cats is headbutting or cheek rubbing. Cats have scent glands located in their cheeks, and when they rub their head against an individual, they are essentially marking that person as part of their territory. This behavior typically starts in kittenhood as a social gesture used to bond with their mother and siblings. Experts emphasize that headbutting is a cat’s way of showing affection and establishing a sense of ownership over the person they are interacting with. It is seen as a positive expression of happiness and fondness towards that individual.

Tenten now trusts and loves his furmom Ei Leen and watches television with her on her bed.

Grooming: A Sign of Trust

Grooming behaviors in cats can be a strong indicator of affection and trust. When cats groom each other, it signifies a bond based on trust and affection, which can also extend to their human companions once a strong relationship is established. If your cat engages in grooming behaviors towards you, such as licking or allowing you to brush them, it is a clear indication of deep trust. It is important to be mindful of signs of overstimulation. Grzyb advises to watch out for such as rapid tail swishing or growling, as grooming can at times become overwhelming for them.

Kneading: A Comforting Gesture

The act of kneading, reminiscent of making biscuits, is a behavior that stems from kittenhood where cats knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production. Even as adults, cats continue to knead as a means of expressing comfort and affection. Grzyb further explains that kneading triggers the release of endorphins in cats, which can help alleviate stress and induce relaxation. Tshash also notes that when cats knead on their owners, it is a clear indication of their happiness and contentment.

Showing Their Belly: The Ultimate Trust

One of the ultimate signs of trust from a cat is when they expose their belly to you. This vulnerable position indicates that the cat feels completely safe and trusts you. However, as Grzyb cautions, this is not necessarily an invitation for a belly rub, as many cats may react defensively if their belly is touched.

To be continued.


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