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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Philippine Fleet hosts conference on asymmetric warfare

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The Philippine Fleet (PF) on Wednesday held a two-day symposium aimed at exploring asymmetric warfare at Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City.

“This symposium aims to explore asymmetric warfare capabilities focusing on cyber, unmanned surface/aerial, undersea, and electronic warfare (EW) trends, technologies, and applications through displays and series of lectures,” Fleet Public Affairs Office Director Lieutenant Giovanni Badidles explained.

PF Commander Rear Admiral Renato David, and Naval Inspector General Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad attended the activity.

In his remarks, RAdm David lauded his deepest appreciation to the distinguished guests, partners, exhibitors, speakers and participants for their “invaluable contributions, passion, expertise and collaborative spirit for making this event a resounding success”.

“I am confident that our collective efforts will lead to significant advancements in our defense strategies and capabilities,” David said.

According to Badidles, the symposium is a platform for diverse perspectives, expertise, and insights on asymmetric warfare toward enhancing the existing understanding, developing effective strategies, learning best practices, and fostering collaboration.

“This activity highlights the Navy’s stepped-up efforts to bolster its capabilities in asymmetric warfare by exploring opportunities for collaboration with policymakers and industry leaders.”


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