28.4 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Excuse me, are you burping too much?

Humans must be able to do two things right after birth: cry and burp. We’ve all been coaxed into burping as infants, and even as adults, it provides comfort and satisfaction, especially after a meal or a soda. Though sometimes seen as embarrassing, burping can be beneficial, but only in moderation.

For Carlo M. Cornejo, MD, Section Chief of Gastroenterology of the top hospital in the Philippines Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed), understanding when burping becomes excessive is crucial in maintaining digestive health.

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“The average person burps around 3-6 times after eating or drinking. You might burp more frequently after drinking carbonated beverages like sodas but overall, that’s a pretty healthy range,” explains Dr. Cornejo.

Simple excess burping should be resolved by eating and drinking more slowly and avoiding carbonated drinks and certain foods like hard candy.

“Eating and drinking too quickly and sucking on hard candy causes you to swallow more air than normal. Dropping these habits should reduce belching significantly,” adds Dr. Cornejo.

MakatiMed warns that burping combined with other symptoms can indicate issues like GERD. Excess belching with a burning sensation in the chest could signal gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dr. Cornejo explains that GERD occurs when stomach acid moves into the esophagus, causing the urge to burp. To relieve GERD symptoms, take antacids or avoid acidic foods, fried and cheesy items, sodas, and alcohol.
Burping combined with diarrhea could signal serious health issues such as food poisoning, traveler’s diarrhea, or stomach flu. These conditions, though common, can be life-threatening if severe. Dr. Cornejo advises increased fluid intake, antibiotics, and probiotics for recovery.

Additionally, burping accompanied by abdominal pain, unintentional weight loss, or vomiting (with or without blood) may indicate gastrointestinal cancers like stomach, pancreatic, or esophageal cancer. Further diagnostic tests like endoscopy and CT scanning are recommended for accurate diagnosis, says Dr. Cornejo.

“What I’d like to emphasize is for you to pay more attention to your body. Take note of even the most mundane bodily functions like burping as they could give you a hint on what’s happening inside your body,” Dr. Cornejo. “Excessive burping along with the alarming symptoms mentioned can be your body’s way of telling you to seek medical advice as soon as possible.” 

For more information, please contact MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit


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