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Sunday, May 19, 2024

How parents can foster speech skills in children with autism

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In honor of World Autism Day on April 2, Mylo Speech Buddy, a groundbreaking speech development system, was launched to empower families with children experiencing speech delays and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The innovative app aims to empower parents by helping nonverbal children develop their very first words.

Mylo Speech Buddy utilizes video modeling to teach speech and offers clear pronunciation guidance for parents. This allows parents to actively participate in their child’s speech development journey from the comfort of their own homes.

The app was meticulously designed in collaboration with speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and medical professionals, ensuring it effectively addresses the unique needs of individuals on the autism spectrum.

The Mylo team itself is comprised of parents with firsthand experience raising children with ASD, along with specialists in creating content for preschool and special education.

“Mylo Speech Buddy is a powerful platform that enables parents to actively support their child’s speech development right at home. It enhances and works alongside the valuable contributions of speech therapists and medical professionals, adding to a holistic approach to speech development rather than substituting professional care,” said Mylo Speech Buddy President and CEO Vincent Rocha.

Rocha, inspired by his son Noah’s diagnosis at age two, emphasizes the app’s dedication to the autism community.

“As a parent of a child with autism, I draw inspiration from the challenges my son, Noah, faced when diagnosed at the age of two. Our mission is to bolster individuals with autism in developing verbal abilities and to foster genuine support within the community,” he added.

ASD, commonly known as autism, is a global condition affecting approximately 1 percent or 75 million individuals worldwide. In the Philippines alone, over 1.2 million cases of ASD are reported, with one in 100 children diagnosed. This highlights the scarcity of affordable and accessible speech and occupational therapy services for Filipino families.

Mylo Speech Buddy emphasizes the importance of early intervention for improving learning, communication, and social skills, and even influencing positive changes in brain development.

Mylo Speech Buddy also launched a series of social media videos titled Ausome Stories, to showcase the daily lives, challenges, triumphs, and experiences of 10 real families with members on the autism spectrum. They aim to combat stereotypes and societal judgments often faced by the autism community.

Ausome Stories allows us to share the diverse experiences of individuals with autism, celebrating their strengths and achievements,” said Rocha, underlining the power of storytelling in fostering empathy and understanding.

On the other hand, co-founder Enrico Aquino emphasized the significance of supporting these communities.

“The launch of Mylo Speech Buddy represents a significant milestone in raising awareness, understanding, and supporting individuals with autism, particularly as the world observes World Autism Awareness Day,” he stated.

By harnessing technology and compassion, Mylo Speech Buddy aspires to pave the way for a brighter future, serving as a collaborative partner in therapy and support for children with autism.


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