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Saturday, September 21, 2024

China accuses US of “economic bullying” over trade mission to PH

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China strongly criticized the recent trade mission sent by US President Joe Biden to the Philippines, alleging that the delegates aimed to thwart China’s technological progress.

The Chinese embassy in Manila assailed the trade mission’s focus on national security, saying it veered towards rallying against Beijing rather than fostering economic cooperation with the Philippines.

“Many sober-headed Philippine individuals are questioning: Are the Americans really here to help the Philippines advance development?” the embassy remarked in a statement.

This response comes in the wake of US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s press conference in Manila, where she hinted at expanding export controls to hinder China’s access to advanced computer chips and manufacturing equipment.

The embassy accused the US of breaching the principle of most-favored-nation treatment and relevant trade agreements by imposing restrictions on semiconductor exports, labeling such actions as “economic bullying.”

China further criticized the US’s invocation of national security as justification for these measures, arguing that they obstruct normal trade and civilian use of chips.

Calling on the US to desist from politicizing economic and technological issues, the embassy urged against attempts to coerce allies into severing ties with China. It pledged to defend its rights and interests vigorously.

The exchange underscores escalating tensions between the two global powers, with economic and technological competition increasingly shaping their diplomatic relations.


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