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Monday, June 17, 2024

How SWAG tackles aging through weightlifting

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Five months ago, I had a stiff leg and a painful kneecap whenever I tried to walk. The discomfort was so intense that the longer I walked, the worse it got, and it was challenging to move around. It was a stark reminder of the aging process.

Eventually, I dragged myself to see an orthopedic doctor. After examinations, he confirmed that I had strong legs but also informed me that experiencing stiffness and knee pain at my age was normal and there was no need for specialized medical interventions. Instead, he presented me with two options: I could either undergo rehabilitation in the hospital or return to the gym, provided I worked with a licensed personal trainer.

I chose the latter option and the search began; I decided to look for a medium and semi-private gym with fit and healthy qualified instructors and a clean and organized facility. I want a place to push my physical boundaries and strengthen my mental resilience. A tall order, but what happens when you stumble upon a local gym that isn’t just dedicated to building muscle but is also focused on building a community of happy, physically strong, and healthy people?

SWAG, is for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. What sets it apart from other gyms is not the gleaming state-of-the-art equipment or the luxurious locker rooms, complementary juices, and coffee or tea but the sense of community that pervades the air. The moment you step through the doors, you’re welcome in positivity and support.

Coach Jude Molina, 24, is my personal trainer, and Coach March, overlooked my program. They discussed and compared my progress and talked about it with me.

Coach Jude’s commitment to his clients’ progress and well-being is unwavering. In only two months, I can carry half of my weight while my legs push and hold more. He is focused and makes sure that I execute each exercise correctly.

“We believe in the power of positive encouragement,” Coach March says, “Our clients don’t just come here to lift weights; they come here to better themselves, both physically and mentally. Coach Jonnel reaffirmed, “We’re like a family and a community, we motivate and support each other every step of the journey.”

Weightlifting is essential at any age because it improves muscle strength, bone health, metabolism, balance, and overall functional abilities, promoting better physical and mental well-being as we age.

My target is to build muscles as my bones have a big chance to deteriorate faster than expected, according to my doctor, after being on prednisone for autoimmune disease years ago.

During the pandemic, I struggled to carry five pounds, and I could hardly squat and get tired quickly. I walk slower than usual. Now my strides are longer, I sleep better and eat well. I no longer drag my leg when I walk and have built more muscles in all the right places. I found the gym I was looking for.

Two months later, I no longer drag myself to the doctor’s clinic, I eagerly head to the gym, looking forward to a new program designed for me to the next level.


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