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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Amnesty for communist insurgents?

Does the former President think that what he is doing will raise the political stock of Inday Sara? On the other hand, people are now thinking, is the daughter a copy of her father?

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I recall President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. saying during his second State-of-the-Nation Address or SONA saying insofar as the communist insurgency problem is concerned there might be a need for him to declare an amnesty to finally solve it.

This is because the numbers of the insurgency movement are dwindling, but the time frame was not mentioned, Santa Banana!

After many insurgents have started surrendering to the government, and the reported willingness of many insurgents wanting to lead normal lives, I believe the President should order Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro and the Armed Forces Chief to take a second look as to whether or not the insurgency movement is still a national security threat and whether or not it’s now time to declare an amnesty to enable them to return to the folds of the law.

My gulay, the way I see it, the communist insurgency problem may no longer be a threat to national security not only because of their dwindling numbers.

They are just operating mainly in the countryside as bandits harassing businesses and bus transportation owners and extorting from candidates during election time for what they call revolutionary tax to campaign.

In fact, governors of Eastern Visayas, where the insurgents are still operating, have come out with reports that many of the insurgents want to return to the folds of the law, but are hesitant for fear of being accused and incarcerated for many crimes.

Many of the insurgents in fact, they say, want to have normal lives.

There’s reason why the insurgency movement is not only dwindling, concentrated mostly in the countryside of Quezon province and the Bicol peninsula, in the provinces of Leyte and Samar, and some provinces in Mindanao outside of the Muslim provinces.

If I am not wrong, the latest estimate of the AFP and the Philippine National Police is that about only 1,500 are still fully armed.

The death of Joma Sison and also the death of the old ideologies of communism had mainly contributed to the dwindling number of insurgents.

I’d say, it’s now time for the President, the DND secretary, the PNP and the Security Council to consider an amnesty for the communist insurgents.

Call for unity

I was amused at the statement of VIce President Duterte, concurrent secretary of the Education Department calling for unity even as she accuses the House of representative leadership of “politicking” over the realignment of the confidential funds of the Office of the Vice President and the DepEd.

Inday Sara should address her statement on unity to her father, former President Rodrigo Duterte, who is continuously ranting against the House leadership in an effort to defend the CIFs of his daughter.

He also ranted about Speaker Martin Romualdez being against Sara because of the perceived candidacy of Inday Sara for the presidency in 2028.

Now, who is politicking?

Both father and daughter are pathetic.

While the former President keeps on ranting over the realignment of his daughter’s CIF, P500 million for the OVP and another P125 million for the DepEd, or a total of P650,000 CIF, his daughter now rants for unity.

Santa Banana, the father even threatened to kill Rep. France Castro because of her attacks against his daughter!

Now who is politicking?

My gulay, the former President even accused the House leadership and membership of wallowing in filthy money, to the point of saying that “the Speaker should open his books for auditing.”

I consider it pathetic for a former President, in his attempt to get into the headlines, to rant on the alleged lack of auditing of congressional money.

Never in the history of the Philippines have we had a former Chief Executive rant on inconsequential issues.

Does the former President think that what he is doing will raise the political stock of Inday Sara?

On the other hand, people are now thinking, is the daughter a copy of her father? Read full article on

 Human rights violation

I have received some reaction to my previous column where I commented on the frequent publication of “Notice to the Public’’ where a photo of a person appears, warning the public against that person who had been dismissed by a company.

The public is warned not to have any transaction with that person appearing in the photo.

I had considered the notice a violation of privacy and human rights because it gives the impression the person whose photo accompanies the notice committed some misdemeanor and even a crime.

Some people who called me agree with my observation that the publication of the the Notice to the Public is a violation of privacy and that notice implies that people should no longer transact any business with that person.

First of all, the publication of the photo is a no-no without the permission of the person; second, the notice to the public gives the impression the person whose photo appears did something wrong or did some criminal act that people should not transact any business with him.

That’s an outright violation of human rights that the Commission on Human Rights should look into. I even think the newspaper where the Notice to the Public appears can be sued.

When a person’s photo is published in connection with having the impression that the person did something wrong that is in itself a violation of human rights.

Notice that even mugshots of people arrested for committing a crime are blurred because there’s always the presumption of innocence. I believe newspapers should be warned against this practice.

$4.26 billion from Saudi

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is still the best salesman of the country.

In BBM’s last trip to attend the ASEAN-GCC Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during a round table conference among Saudi and other Arab businessmen from other countries, Santa Banana, Marcos Jr. was able to sign no less than four big investments for the country.

The biggest of the four was the $3.76 billion between the Al- Jeer Human Resources Co. and the Association of Philippine Licensed Agencies for Saudi Arabia to cooperate in employing hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in there.

Saudi Arabia is in fact the biggest destination of OFWs, now employing millions of Filipinos, mainly as domestic and construction workers.


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