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Monday, June 17, 2024

Fascist and apartheid Israeli govt

Many Palestinians viewed the initial victory of Hamas as a result of pent-up fury by the Palestinians against Zionism

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There was treachery carried out by the murderous government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Maybe Netanyahu ordered it to instill fear to the Palestinians; that by bombing the hospital, that would be the initial salvo to avenge the attack of Hamas where more than 200 Jews have been held hostage.

The apartheid Zionist conveniently ignored that the Netanyahu government has been waging a campaign to depopulate Gaza for more than 10 years now since the last intifada war in 2008 and 2012.

The strategy that Netanyahu adopted was to drive out the Palestinians in Gaza, thereby erasing the UN formula of a two-state solution.

Gaza, by then, would be cleansed of any Palestinian and, hence, no working formula for a two- state solution.

The whole concept of Palestine will be completely erased in the map to be substituted by the state of Israel.

The more than 10-year war waged by Netanyahu was, in truth, a campaign to depopulate Gaza and render the concept of two state solution as dysfunctional.

The eradication of Palestine would technically disempower China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, except the US and its imperialist allies like UK and France.

The bombing of the hospital was part of Netanyahu’s game plan.

The whole world was shaken that even aging Joe Biden initially offered support to the Palestinians for the horrific slaughter carried out by its Nazi allies.

To 500 patients, mostly women and children were killed by the bombing.

However, US humanitarian aid for the hospital had to be retracted because of strong lobby from the Zionist group.

Many could sense that US foreign policy is subject to pressure from certain interest groups like the Zionist group.

In fact, just two days ago, the US used its veto power at the UN Security Council “to block a resolution calling for Israel to allow humanitarian corridors into the Gaza strip, a pause in the fighting, and the lifting of an order for the civilians to leave the north of the besieged territory.”

The criminal Nazi-Jewish government initially blamed the bombing from a miscalculated attack caused by a malfunctioning guidance system.

In other words, the Israelis themselves miscalculated the gravity of their retaliation, but by sheer pride they would not admit they committed a mistake, and instead passed the blame to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, even without solid evidence.

The last offensive committed by the Palestinians against the Nazi apartheid regime already serves as a warning.

Despite the full implementation of propaganda and trade sanction and unilateralism by the West, the strength and determination of the Palestinian people have not at all been deterred.

The cry for a Palestinian homeland continues to reverberate and it is getting louder no matter how much their enemies are trying to suppress it.

The impending defeat of the Zionist in Ukraine and Afghanistan reflects a darker shadow in Palestine as this will reflect the total defeat of US imperialism in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The ferocity of the Israeli revenge speaks of barbaric inhumanity comparable to the Nazi attack of the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa during World War II.

In fact, the ferocity of the revenge has tilted much against Israel.

Egypt and Turkey have threatened to join the conflict.

Any decision of the two countries could change the whole dimension of the conflict.

It has not mentioned Iran, for fear the Iranians might use nuclear bomb to finally get rid of that mutant state called Israel.

The systematic killing of the defenseless Palestinian women and children was purposely done to cause indignation among Arab States who have been convinced by apartheid government of Netanyahu.

Everybody knows that increasing the intensity of the fighting could compel some Arab States to hold back their recognition of the state of Israel.

That could make more difficult to legitimize and recognize the added expansion of Israeli territories, recognized as the de-facto state of Israel.

But when Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, it was part of Jewish strategy to instill fear to the Palestinian people.

There was a systematic attempt by the Zionist apartheid government to isolate the Palestinians from public support, which, however, suddenly backfired and instead gained popular support when the Netanyahu government intensified its attack on the innocent Palestinian people.

As a result, anti-Israeli street protests erupted immediately after the explosion at the Gaza hospital in Egypt, Bahrain and Lebanon.

Even US State Department ordered the voluntary departure of family members from Lebanon.

The initial victory of Hamas was interpreted by most political analysts as pretty dangerous, fearing it could catapult popularity of Israel’s adventurism similar to the June 1967 war.

On the contrary, many Palestinians viewed the initial victory of Hamas as a result of pent-up fury by the Palestinians against Zionism because the world sees the daily killing committed by the Zionist settlers in Gaza.



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