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Six medical reasons why you fainted

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In classic Hollywood films, fainting is usually portrayed with dramatic flair. Overcome with shock, an actress will put the back of her hand to her forehead and fall limply into the arms of her leading man.

In real life, however, shock and stress aren’t the only triggers of fainting, or vasovagal syncope (pronounced vay-zho-vay-gul sing-kuh-pee).

“While it is true that extreme pain, intense emotion, the sight of blood, or even straining yourself during a bowel movement are common triggers of vasovagal syncope, fainting could also be caused by an underlying medical condition,” says  Valerie Zarza-Geron, MD, from the Section of Cardiology of the top hospital in the Philippines, Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed). “Fainting per se is harmless and doesn’t require medical treatment. It becomes a cause for concern when it happens with no trigger, or when you faint often.”

Among the reasons for fainting are dehydration, alcohol poisoning, and taking certain medications

Fainting happens when you are either seated or standing, explains Dr. Zarza-Geron. In these positions, blood pools in your legs lowering the blood going to the heart  and  lowering your blood pressure, thus reducing blood flow and oxygen to your brain. This makes you lose consciousness temporarily. Lightheadedness, pale skin, tunnel vision, nausea, clamminess, and blurred vision are other signs that you are about to pass out.

So why exactly do we faint? MakatiMed cites six reasons:

You’re dehydrated.  When you don’t drink enough water on a particularly hot day or during a rigorous workout, your blood pressure drops, and you could lose consciousness.

You’ve drunk too much alcohol.  Someone who passes out from too much alcohol is experiencing what is known as alcohol poisoning.

Your blood sugar is low.  Attention, diabetics: “Hypoglycemia can make you pass out. But it is easily addressed with sips of fruit juice or by sucking on a piece of candy,” states Dr. Zarza-Geron.

You’re taking certain medications.  From hypertension drugs to antidepressants, diuretics, and insulin, prescription medication can cause you to lose consciousness momentarily.

You’re having a seizure.  Seizures are due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading you to experience uncontrollable shaking, convulsions, and temporary unconsciousness.

You have a heart condition.  Bradycardia (slow heart rate), tachycardia (fast heart rate), and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) can cause you to faint, as can an enlarged heart, a weak heart, or a disorder of your heart’s aortic valve.

“Fainting can happen to anyone at any time,” declares Dr. Zarza-Geron. “If you feel you are about to faint, sit or lie down and elevate your legs to let the blood flow to your brain. If you can’t lie down, sit and put your head between your legs. When you feel better, drink some water, eat something, and make sure to get fresh air. If you think your fainting is caused by an underlying issue or if you frequently pass out without triggers, seek medical help as soon as possible.”

For more information, contact the Section of Cardiology through MakatiMed On-Call at +632.88888 999, email, or visit Follow @IamMakatiMed on Facebook and Twitter.


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