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Friday, June 28, 2024

PBBM: Maritime industry needs to adapt to change

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President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on Monday that the country’s maritime industry needs to adapt to new technologies and secure emerging opportunities through the upskilling of the country’s seafarers.

During the “Shaping the Future of Shipping-Seafarer 2050 Summit,” the President stressed that the Philippines is at a “turning point” in the maritime industry.

“To facilitate this shift, there is a need for the shipping industry to adapt and integrate new developments into their fleets, starting with the retooling of existing ships and the building of newer and more modern ships equipped with these new technologies,” Mr. Marcos said.

He also claimed that investing in the improvement of the country’s shipping workforce would work wonders in opening new opportunities in the maritime sector. He added that to make this improvement, all stakeholders of the industry must work together.

“With all hands on deck, we must come together to envision and shape the future of the industry and global trade for the next 25 years,” he said.

The President also reiterated his directive to the Maritime Industry Authority and the Commission on Higher Education to work closely with the shipping industry on the upskilling and reskilling of Filipino seafarers to prepare them for the shift from the use of conventional fuel sources to green ammonia.

Filipino seafarers remained the backbone of the global maritime industry with more than 489,000 Filipino sailors working on ships across the world.

Last December 2022, Filipino seafarers were placed on edge after the European Maritime Safety Agency said that the Philippines is not complying with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for seafarers.

In March 2023, the European Union said that it will continue to recognize the certificates of Filipino sailors as the Philippines had serious development in complying with international maritime safety standards.

Marcos enjoined all national government agencies, multilateral organizers, and private stakeholders to work together in identifying strategies to ensure the availability of skilled workers.

“2050 may sound distant for now, but in the language of the seas, it will arrive in almost a heartbeat. Thus, it is vital that we now embark on a long-term, tangible, and sustainable effort that will address the many demands of the maritime sector in the years to come,” said Marcos.

“I am confident that, with all of us working together, we will navigate the turbulent tides ahead and chart a course towards a stronger and sustainable tomorrow for seafarers and the global community. May the winds be fair and the seas be kind to us as we embark on this journey together,” he added.

The President emphasized the importance of investing in a highly qualified and well-trained workforce.

Mr. Marcos assured that the government will continue to strengthen maritime-related policies and protect Filipino seafarers.


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