25.6 C
Sunday, January 19, 2025


We have been encountering posts on dogs, cats, and other animals on Facebook that are eye-openers, or inspiring, or enlightening, or educational, or can make one feel good during a stressful day, or make one encouraged to help the poor souls among us.

Sunday Pets would like to share these notable posts of netizens and groups through this space called Pawsbook.

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From Ğasparek István Zoltán in Dog Lover (Facebook group)

Found this boy tied up outside a supermarket. Stayed for hours until I realized they just abandoned him. I searched for days trying to find out if anyone forgot him, lost or anything but to no avail. Today I just passed the chip in my name. We are officially a family!!!

When I told him he smiled and I took a picture to share!!!! Animals do have feelings . You will never feel this much pain and insecurity again! “

From Animal Lovers Society “True.”

From Dogs First

Getting natural light into your eyes within an hour of waking up for 5-10 minutes without sunglasses is really important.

Natural light sets our 24hr circadian rhythm. It sets a timer for a cortisol pulse which happens once every 24hrs; gearing up your temperature rhythm, alertness, mood and focus. So you really want this pulse as early in the day as possible. The later this happens, the later you will still be wide awake.

Natural sunlight triggers cells in the eyes to send a signal to the hypothalamus in the brain, which then releases a wake-up signal for your whole body and brain. This then sets a timer for melatonin release 16 hours later – Melatonin is the hormone that makes you sleepy, so the later in the day you expose your eyes to light, the later that timer begins.

Important for those struggling to sleep.

Also, the arrival of natural sunlight into the eyes releases dopamine – which modulates our motivation, drive and pursuit, but dopamine is also a precursor to adrenaline – one reason we feel more energetic on a sunny day!

All this considered, it’s a great idea to get out and walk your dog first thing in the morning, even better for your dog if it’s going to be a hot day too, all that lovely natural light helping you feel energised and focused…. ready to deal with the inevitable fox poo roll and any other delights your dog may present you with.

Happy friday everyone!

(Adapted from Prof Huberman video on Youtube!)”

From Bob Clark in Dog Lover (Facebook group)

Compiled by DC


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