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Monday, June 17, 2024

Impressive Gio Emprese

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Experienced actor reflects on his journey in the entertainment industry as one of the respected names in the BL genre

Gio Emprese generously shares his wealth of talent and experience with aspiring young actors. With a career spanning over a decade and numerous notable performances, Emprese has become a respected figure in the entertainment industry, especially in the recent resurgence of Boys Love (BL) genre.

As the casting director of the BL series, My Story, which concluded last Saturday, he mentioned, “Acting skills can be developed, so we look for young actors who are professional and kind.” 

Speaking to Manila Standard Entertainment underscored the belief that acting skills can be honed and improved over time with training and experience.

By seeking out young actors who possess a professional attitude, the production team aims to work with individuals who take their craft seriously and approach their roles with dedication. This professionalism likely includes traits such as punctuality, preparedness, and a strong work ethic, which contribute to a smooth production process.

Actor Gio Emprese shares that through time, acting skills can be honed and improved with training and experience

“I’m sharing this with young actors and talents because that’s how I developed my career in this business. It implies that not only should actors have talent and professionalism, but they should also bring a positive and pleasant demeanor to the set. A good attitude fosters a collaborative and harmonious working environment, enhancing the overall experience for everyone involved in the production,” he added.

In the LGBTQ+-themed romantic series, Emprese takes on the character of Gelai, a school dean, Before this, he previously portrayed the same character in MyDay, and viewers can anticipate seeing him once more in the upcoming third installment of the series titled Our Story.

“You can see how Gelai’s character develops in each installment and I hope the viewers will learn a thing or two from the role I portray,” he said.

In honing his skills, Emprese actively participates in workshops, acting seminars, and programs, where he imparts his knowledge, techniques, and wisdom to aspiring actors. His dedication to teaching goes beyond mere instruction; he fosters a supportive and nurturing environment, encouraging students to explore their artistic potential and embrace their individuality.

Known for his versatility and depth, Emprese emphasizes the importance of honing one’s craft and continuously pushing artistic boundaries. He values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, reminding the people around him that success in the entertainment industry requires relentless determination.

“I really fought tooth and nail to enter show business,” Gio said to illustrate how he relentlessly pursued his career despite not having any connections in the industry.

The ‘My Story’ casting director is now sharing his knowledge and skills in acting with the younger generation

He recalled the instances when he stood in line multiple times for the Star Magic workshops, only to find out that all the slots were already filled. “I was emotionally exhausted, but the silver lining was that I made friends with many people in the queue. In fact, one of them was Kapuso actress Mikee Quintos.”

Gio’s journey in the entertainment industry began with his first onscreen appearance in the gay indie film Philippino Story in 2013, which starred Mark Gil. This was followed by his involvement in the historical TV series Katipunan. These early projects provided him with valuable experience and exposure to the world of acting.

Emprese’s path took a significant turn when he attended a workshop organized by talent manager Ogie Diaz, where he had the opportunity to meet prominent BL director Xion Lim. The two developed a strong friendship, and Emprese became a regular cast member in Xion’s BL productions, including those under Regal Films. This collaboration enabled the actor to showcase his talent and establish a presence within the BL genre.

Emprese speaks highly of Lim, describing him as nice and understanding, while also emphasizing their professionalism during work. 

“I appreciate him allowing me and the other actors to ad-lib our lines when necessary, I personally find it challenging to memorize an entire script.

This flexibility and understanding from the director have contributed to our successful working relationship,” he stated.

While Emprese expresses his desire to explore drama scenes and test his acting skills, he is also content with being typecast in light, feel-good BL series. He acknowledges the difficulty of securing acting projects, given the intense competition in the industry. 

“Straight actors are increasingly taking on gay roles, but I have no issue with that since acting is not about gender preference. I believe that as long as an actor is skilled and capable of delivering a compelling performance, they can convincingly portray any character, even if it is a role as unusual as that of a snail,” Empress emphasized.

Empresse expresses gratitude for his involvement in the BL trend, recognizing the importance of representation for the young gay generation. He feels fortunate to be part of a movement that demonstrates that love knows no boundaries. 

“These BL series are a reflection on my own youth,” he concluded noting the lack of such inclusive entertainment during that time. 

Now, Emprese aims to inspire others to embrace their true selves and strive for personal excellence.


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