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Monday, June 17, 2024

MPIC wins gold at Asia Integrated Reporting Awards

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Metro Pacific Investments Corp., the country’s leading infrastructure investments conglomerate, bagged the gold award for first time category at the 8th Asia Integrated Reporting Awards which is widely considered as the most distinguished accolade for integrated reporting in the region.

MPIC, in a virtual awards ceremony, was recognized alongside other integrated reporting leaders in Asia, celebrating best practices in integrated reporting and communications. Communicating MPIC’s value creation process through its maiden integrated report follows global frameworks and standards that cater to the needs of its investors and shareholders.

“This integrated annual report reflects our dedication to transparency, as well as our efforts to deliver long-term value to all our stakeholders,” said MPIC chairman, president and chief executive Manuel Pangilinan. “This recognition from AIRA inspires us to do even more to elevate sustainability practices, which will not only benefit our immediate stakeholders, but also the country-at-large.”

The virtual awards ceremony began with an opening address by Kara Owen, the British High Commissioner to Singapore. Tom Moody, regional director for South East Asia for climate and energy and Charis Yeap, regional lead for green finance at the British High Commission in Singapore, and Elaine Cohen, a well-respected sustainability reporting expert and a member of the ASRA judging panel, presented the awards.


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