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Monday, June 17, 2024

Manila is like Thneedville in ‘The Lorax’

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I remembered adoring how the Lorax looked like a grandpa cat. The Lorax reminds me of my grandfather. He was quite a stoic man, but he cared an awful lot. He wasn’t very good at expressing his emotions, but I always saw him. Despite being a man of few words, those few words always come with much wisdom.

I have a Dr. Seuss copy of The Lorax, and I also loved watching the film as a child. Nevertheless, there are so many things to consider in this movie that I never get bored watching it. The story of the Lorax, although a children’s show, serves as a cautionary tale for all ages. It addresses several contemporary social and environmental issues in addition to having curious storylines, quirky characters, and musical numbers. The re-storytelling of what Once-ler has done gives us a future vision of what happens when reckless human activities of degrading the environment continue. This irresponsible and almost disregard for how urbanization and other human activities spread contamination and mindless advancement that hurts our environment.

Think about it, can you honestly say that you would love living in an artificial or synthetic environment like Thneedville? What kind of lifestyle entails living in a single community and purchasing bottled air? Is it really worth working up an appetite and achieving our goals at the expense of the natural world? Living in Metro Manila is like living in Thneedville. The artificial environment in Thneedville that they enjoy is like when we go to the mall and buy things there that we oh so thneed (excuse me for the pun). I’m just thankful I don’t entirely live in “ThneedVille,” metaphorically speaking. My family has a province we call our home, where we have our farm, a garden, and fresh air. Although recently, my hometown has been getting caught by urbanization. It is good for the town’s economic development, but it is poorly planned. Lately, our neighborhood has been flooding, as they have built roads without a sewage system. And dust from construction has yet to be cleaned up, as well as more and more trees are being cut down. The summer months are hotter than usual. I fear my beloved hometown will one day become like Thneedville.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” The Lorax’s message is not just for the children of today’s generation. Change starts with you, us, anyone, and everyone that cares a whole lot. What can we do as become someone who cares a whole awful lot? Respect your surroundings. Become a role model for the younger generation, teaching them attention and respect for their surroundings, flora, and fauna. Picking up trash, tending to gardens, and respecting animals and their habitats are ways to show respect and love for nature. Be aware and spread awareness about activities that harm the environment to start a discourse to address the issues.

The Lorax is certainly worth watching because of the message it conveys to us. The plot of this movie could be the foundation for everything we do with nature. It helps us comprehend how crucial it is not to disturb nature’s equilibrium. We completed God’s beautiful creation of the world. He provided us with a rich and abundant environment that allowed us to grow, care for, and live with rather than starve. Life is worth living in this setting, so we must preserve and care for it as best as we can.

The author is a B.S. Applied Corporate Management student at the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business, De La Salle University. She can be reached at

The views expressed above are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators.


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