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How to prevent flu during the holidays

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Christmas break may be long, but diseases don’t take a vacation. 

How to prevent flu during the holidays
Parents are advised to teach their kids good hygiene to prevent flu.

Fever and flu can easily affect kids and thus dampen the holiday season. To help parents prevent and manage flu of their children, healthcare company GSK offers the following tips. 

Get vaccinated

Children are generally more prone to catching the flu than adults, highlighting the importance of getting kids vaccinated. It’s also important that the rest of the family gets one too to ensure that the flu bug is contained. 

The World Health Organization recommends regular consultations with a doctor to get family routine vaccinations. According to the Philippine Pediatric Society, the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines, and the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination, children above 6 months old are encouraged to get influenza shots once per year.

Practice good hygiene

During Christmas break, kids will be staying in close proximity with their peers, making it easy for germs and viruses to spread. Parents are advised to train kids to form a habit of washing their hands frequently, especially when coming into contact with those who are sick. 

If any of the family member gets the cold or flu, it’s best to wear masks to prevent germs from spreading. Teach children to cover their mouth or nose with tissue when sneezing or coughing, and properly disposing them after.

At home, clean and disinfect household objects and surfaces that may be contaminated with germs. It’s also important to not let the house from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes by (1) turning over water storage containers when empty and properly storing them; (2) changing water in vases and removing water from plant pot plates; and (3) maintaining roof gutters and removing debris or leaves to prevent pools of water from forming.

Manage fever symptoms

Parents must gauge their child’s symptoms when they have a fever. Children tend to vocalize fever differently depending on their age. It is important to not only observe changes in appearance but also behavior, such as loss of appetite.

One foolproof way to assess fever is to check their temperature using a thermometer. The general rule of thumb is that temperatures above 38-degree Celsius constitute a fever.

Give them paracetamol

GSK said that if the child has a temperature above 38-degree Celsius and is under 3 months old, it’s best to seek local medical attention immediately. If they are older, WHO recommends to give them paracetamol as first-line treatment.

Dr. Carmina A. delos Reyes, pediatrician and infectious disease specialist, explains that paracetamol is a trusted antipyretic among pediatricians and parents, as it is available over the counter and can safely be used across all ages. It works both as an analgesic or pain reliever, and antipyretic or fever controller.

To get the full benefits of paracetamol, administer the correct dose. Take the child’s weight and follow the recommended dosage as instructed in the product label. Use the dosing tool provided in the medicine package to reduce errors. 

“Scientific evidence shows that when given at a dose of 15 mg per kilogram, paracetamol produces a larger relative temperature reduction compared to when given at 10 mg per kilogram. After 30 minutes, 15 mg/kg dose decreases body temperature by 0.71-degree Celsius, while 10 mg/kg reduces body temperature only by 0.36-degree Celsius,” says Delos Reyes. 

Paracetamol brand for kids Calpol provides the recommended dosage of WHO. Its 15mg/kg formulation works on fever in 15 minutes. 

Monitor child’s progress at home

When do you send your sick child to school, especially if he/she is generally active or looks fine? As a rule of thumb, it’s best to let a sick child stay at home until the fever subsides to avoid passing on the flu to other children.

To help them recover fast, ensure that they drink plenty of fluids. Also, monitor their temperature using a thermometer and check for rashes or fatigue regularly. If fever persists, children can take paracetamol again every four to six hours, but it should not exceed four times in a given day.

How to prevent flu during the holidays
Ensure sick children get plenty of water to help them recover fast.

Take the child to the doctor when needed 

Here are common red flags to know when not to wait it out and already consult a local doctor:

• Difficulty in breathing

• Difficulty in swallowing

• Lethargy, looks weak or pale, drowsiness, loss in appetite

• Vomits persistently or frequent bouts of diarrhea

• Suffers from stiff neck, persistent headache or light hurting the eyes


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