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Saturday, January 11, 2025

A wish list for 2020

Happy New Year to all animal lovers in the world!!!

Allow me to share my New Year wish list. I wish:

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1. for a stop to all dog and cat meat festivals everywhere, forever!

2. for a stop to dog and cat meat trade all over the world. Close all restaurants that serve dog and cat meat.

3. for a stop to breeding of dogs and cats for profit. Regulate breeding in all countries.

4. all Kill Shelters and Kill Pounds are closed or turned into No-Kill Shelters.

Hire only animal lovers for vets and caregivers of animals. Let them go through psychological tests if they have to.

Dog and cat catchers should be trained on humane catching.

Cats and dogs make humans more loving.  This sleeping cat—his name is Angel—just makes us want to give him a belly rub or take him in our arms and rock him to sleep. 

5. government officials will follow the Animal Welfare law on pound maintenance.

6. government officials will enforce the Animal Welfare Act of the Philippines.

7. all local government officials, policemen and barangay officials will aggressively conduct

a. a spay/neuter program in their respective areas of jurisdiction;

b. awareness on the Animal Welfare Act and make people aware that any form of animal cruelty is punishable under the law with imprisonment and a fine;

c. a seminar on responsible pet ownership which includes giving vaccines and anti-rabies shots, deworming and heart worm prevention, among others; and

d. ant-rabies campaign in their areas without having to impound dogs, among others.

8. bestiality (or sex using dogs) will be banned all over the world and be made punishable with life imprisonment. Anyone who does this is simply sick in the head and pose a danger to  humans too.

9. all places where animals are kept captive for HUMAN entertainment are closed down like zoos, circuses and ocean adventures.

10. all leaders and members of dog fighting syndicates are caught and jailed for life.

11. a stop to all animal testing and closure of all laboratories using animals for testing products and medicine.

12. all dogs and cats in the streets,  in shelters, and foster homes have found loving adopters who can commit to their lifetime care.

13. all food products for animals are of high quality and sold in sanitary conditions.

Just looking at a kitten evokes a positive feeling. Chien, when she was a kitten, made anyone who saw her want to cuddle her and kiss her. It was always love at first sight for anyone who saw her. Today, she is a very sweet, loving catto.

I now claim these wishes have all come true. Even just one at a time. (I can be very patient and optimistic.)

And so it is and so be it, it is done! 

Please claim and pray that all these have happened here in the Philippines and everywhere else in the world.

Love and respect for all beings will eventually overturn violence and greed. If we are filled with positive emotions, how can we kill a fellow being– human or animal?

Animals teach us compassion. Our hearts suddenly fill up with love or gladness when we see them or touch them or hug them. Our experience with dogs and cats teach us to get in touch with positive emotions so that there is less or no space for negative thoughts and feelings that fuel and eventually start and sustain war. There is no room for hate and there will be no need for war when we only feel love and kindness in our hearts.

To me, this is one of the reasons God/ Allah/ Universe/ Higher Being created animals: To learn to act from the heart, from love, from gladness, from gratefulness.

Animals are LOVE in physical form.

I now thank the Universe for the gift of animals and the manifestation of all our wishes. 

Have a great New Year filled with love, compassion, kindness and all that is good, everyone.



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