Aboitiz Power Corp. called on government and energy stakeholders to help address policy and regulatory bottleneck to further promote the development of renewable energy in the country.
“As the country’s demand for RE continues to grow, it is imperative for the government to create an environment that is conducive to making renewable energy more competitive, hence more beneficial to consumers,” Aboitiz Power chief operating officer Manny Rubio said during the Powertrends 2019 forum.
Rubio said Aboitiz Power had come a long way and had since been a trailblazer in the RE sector. The company’s Cleanergy portfolio already has more than 30 hydro, geothermal, and solar power plants strategically located across the Philippines, with a total installed capacity of close to 1,500 MW.
“We have adequate capacity, reliable facilities, and proven expertise. But the challenges are far from over. As the country’s demand for RE continues to grow, it is imperative for the government to create an environment that is conducive to making renewable energy more competitive, hence more beneficial to consumers,” the official said.