Dogs age at different rates, depending on the breed and size.
Big dogs with breed like Great Danes are considered a senior at 5-6 years old, while smaller breed dogs like a Chihuahua will most likely enter the senior phase at 10-11 years old.
In “Health Issues to Look for When You Have an Older Dog” by Dr. Hanie Elfenbein in PetMD, owners are encouraged to be on the lookout for changes in their dogs’ health.
“Visit your veterinarian regularly; many vets recommend twice a year for senior dogs, “Elfenbein said.
Below are the signs of aging in dogs. Please consult a vet when you observe this in your dog:
1. Vision Loss and Other Eye Problems
Your dog may be experiencing vision loss or an eye disorder when he/she starts to bump into things, fall or display signs of eye discomfort like redness or cloudiness.
“Many dogs will develop a cloudiness in their lens as they age, and though this is normal, it does decrease the precision of their eyesight,” Eflenbein said.
It is still important to bring your dog to the vet to rule out treatable eye diseases such as corneal damage, dry eye syndrome or conjunctivitis, Eflenbein said.
Cataracts can also be treated through surgery, he added.
“Loss of vision is usually irreversible, but there are certain things you can do to help your dog adjust. Ask your veterinarian for tips on handling senior dogs with vision loss,” Eflenbein said.
2. Increased/Strained Urination
If your dog is straining to urinate or he now frequently urinates, this may indicate a kidney disease or urinary tract infection which are usually observed in middle-aged to older dogs.
This problem can easily be addressed through prescription dog medicine or dietary change.
3. Bad Breath, Bloody Gums and Other Oral Problems
A dog whose teeth is not cleaned regularly may start to display signs of bad breath, excessive drooling, gum inflammation and loose teeth.
Eflenbein said that it is not too late for an owner to start dental hygiene for his/her dog. He also suggested that the dog be brought to the vet to resolve any dental issues.
4. Lumps, Bumps and Other Skin Problems
A dog may develop a skin problem at any age but a senior dog is more susceptible to skin issues.
The skin problems vary from rashes to lesions, swelling, lumps, dry skin or hair loss.
“But there are often things your veterinarian can do to help alleviate the symptoms (such as make dietary changes) or even cure the underlying cause of the issue,” Eflenbein said.
Eflenbein added, “Many dogs develop lumps under their skin as they age. Lipomas, or fatty growths, are common and benign —meaning they pose no problem for your pet.”
But fatty growths and the more dangerous growths can look very similar, thus the dog must be checked by a vet.
“Lumps are of increased concern when they are new, when they grow, or if they change shape, color or size,” Eflenbein said.
5. Weight Gain or Loss
There are two kinds of weight concern:
1. Some older dogs may need a dog food with higher calorie content or better palatability because they can not maintain their weight or getting thin.
2. Other dogs gain weight and may need a special diet to prevent obesity.
“Neither being overweight nor underweight is ideal for your dog. Overweight and obese dogs, for instance, have a higher incidence of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and even cancer, “ Eflenbien stressed.
Do ask your vet when it is best to switch your dog from an adult dog diet to a senior dog diet.
“Ask about the benefits of therapeutic diets, which can provide key benefits to help manage conditions commonly associated with aging dogs,” Eflenbein said.
Your senior dog also need an age-appropriate exercise routine. Please ask your vet about this.
“A proper diet and exercise plan can be important in delaying the signs of aging and increasing your dog’s longevity,” Eflenbein said.
6. Difficulty Playing and Getting Around
Joint problems are common in older dogs.
Ask your veterinarian about dietary changes such as including antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
Dog ramps and orthopedic dog beds may also be provided.
“Physical rehabilitation can also reverse some mobility losses and is a valuable tool for aging pets,” Eflenbein said. Your vet can help with this.
7. Behavior and Memory Problems
Please consult your vet if your dog has signs of confusion, disorientation, memory loss, irritability, unusual pacing or other personality changes.
“Changes in your dog’s behavior may be a normal part of aging or a symptom of a disease like dog dementia (canine cognitive dysfunction),” Eflenbein said.
“Some specific signs of canine cognitive dysfunction include staying awake or pacing at night, having urinary accidents and forgetting cues (e.g., sit, stay) that he once knew, “ Eflenbein added.
Next week: Tips for Caring for Senior Dogs