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Sunday, June 16, 2024

A runaway success for Conchitina Bernardo’s debut

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All 36 paintings of “late-bloomer” artist Conchitina Bernardo were sold out, bringing joy to her and to her beneficiary, the San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for Elderly.

A runaway success for Conchitina Bernardo’s debut
Bernardo’s portraits of her loved ones (clockwise) Nicole, Luisa, and Margaux. 

Prominent art lovers, government officials, businessmen, and members of Manila’s social set recently gathered to celebrate Bernardo’s debut solo exhibition, Gilded Graphite’s success at Frabelle Corporate Plaza.

During the exhibit, Bernardo recalled how she never touched a paintbrush since her 30s when a former teacher discouraged her by telling her to look for another hobby. This all changed when she visited the Sunshine Place and met Maestro Fidel Sarmiento, who is teaching an art class at the senior recreation center.

She related she asked if he could teach her despite her age. He, she said, “looked at me with a lot of wisdom in his eyes and he said every human being has an artist inside of him. It is just a question of bringing it out.”

Encouraged by her professor’s word, the septuagenarian picked up her art brush again and went on to complete 36 exhibited paintings in three years.

“The success of this exhibit is testimony that the senior years can be your most productive years, artistically and spiritually,” enthused Bernardo, adding, “When the side of you that was so physically alert fades. There is another side that awakens. Your creative instincts begin to surprise you, like it did to me.”

She has come to realize that “in the quiet moments, in meditation, that in His infinite wisdom He continues to work through you. In my case, every painting is testimony to Him and to fatherly embrace I feel from Him daily. My cup overflows because I know I am loved.”

A runaway success for Conchitina Bernardo’s debut
ALL-OUT SUPPORT. Conchitina Bernardo (9th from left) with her family, including husband Ambassador Joseph Bernardo (7th from left). 

Among the artworks exhibited were the portraits which are dedicated to her loved ones, including her daughter Lia and her animal spirit, granddaughter Nicole, and grandnieces Margaux and Luisa.


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