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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Immigration bans Omani

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The Bureau of Immigration banned an Omani citizen from coming to the Philippines after the bureau intercepted two Filipino young women from leaving the country whom the foreigner invited to meet in Thailand to perform sex acts in exchange for money.

BI Port Operations Division Chief Grifton Medina recommended the inclusion of Khalid Khalaf Gharib Al Shuraiqi in the immigration blacklist after two of his would-be victims were barred from leaving at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

Medina said the two Filipino women, whose names were not divulged as prohibited by anti-trafficking laws, admitted that they agreed to meet up with the Omani who wanted to sleep with them together.

“One of the victims said she was promised P5,000 a day if she and her companion would stay and engage in sexual relations with said Omani for eight days,” Medina said.

When asked why she agreed to the offer, the victim allegedly replied that she needed the money because she was the breadwinner of the family.

According to BI Commissioner Jaime Morente, foreigners enticing Filipinos to engage in prostitution were considered undesirable aliens. 

“These predators are preying on the vulnerabilities of our people, and do not deserve the privilege of entering our country.  They pose a serious threat to our kababayan, especially the poor, who may be swayed by false promises of money,”  Morente said.

The women were eventually turned over to the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) for further investigation and assistance.


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