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Senate performance rated ‘very good’

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Most Filipinos polled in a survey viewed the Senate as the leading government institution with a “very good” public satisfaction rating in the last quarter of 2018, the latest Social Weather Stations’ survey revealed on Friday.

READ: Pinoys satisfied—SWS

SWS said 71 percent of the adult Filipinos it polled expressed satisfaction over the performance of the Senate and its lawmakers, while 13 percent were dissatisfied.

“The net satisfaction rating of the Senate rose by one grade from good to very good, up by 10 points from +48 in September 2018 to +58 in December 2018. This is the highest since the very good +67 in August 2012,” SWS said in its report.

But even as his Cabinet officials heaped praises from President Rodrigo Duterte himself for their efforts, his Cabinet remained at the bottom of the leading government institutions ranked by those polled by SWS.

SWS said 52 percent of the adult Filipinos it polled expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Duterte Cabinet, while 17 percent were dissatisfied.

SWS said the 10-point rise in the overall net satisfaction of the Senate was due to the increases in all areas, especially in Metro Manila.

The Senate’s net satisfaction rating rose from good to very good in Metro Manila and the Visayas at +57 and +61 in December, respectively.

It also stayed very good in Balance Luzon and Mindanao, respectively, receiving +56 and +60 in December.

By class, the Senate’s net satisfaction rating was very good among the class E and class D at +62 and +58, respectively, and stayed among the class ABC at +42 in December.

READ: Robredo's trust rating declines, says SWS

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives came next with a “good” public satisfaction rating.

SWS said 57 percent of those polled were satisfied with the affairs of the House, while 17 percent expressed dissatisfaction.

“The House of Representatives’ net satisfaction rating stayed good, up by 4 points from +36 in September to +40 in December. This is the highest since the good +42 in June 2016,” SWS said.

“The 4-point rise in the overall net satisfaction rating of the House of Representatives was due to increases in Metro Manila and the Visayas, combined with steady scores in Mindanao and Balance Luzon.”

The net satisfaction rating of the House of Representatives rose from moderate to good in Metro Manila at +36, good in the Visayas at +41, good in Mindanao at +42, and good in Balance Luzon at +40.

By class, it rose from moderate to good among class ABC at +46, stayed good among class D at +39, and remained good among class E at +41.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court received a “good” satisfaction rating from the public.

Fifty-four percent of the adult Filipinos polled said they were satisfied with the performance of the Supreme Court, while 17 percent expressed dissatisfaction.

READ: Rody's trust rating rises to 'very good'

READ: Duterte keeps very good trust rating—SWS


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