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Monday, June 17, 2024

Announcing the winner of the logo design contest for the 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Philippine relations

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Singapore and the Philippines are celebrating 50 years of the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 2019. To kick-start a year of commemorative activities, the Singapore Embassy in Manila and the Philippine Embassy in Singapore jointly held a month-long logo design contest in 2018. We invited Singaporeans and Filipinos residing in either Singapore or the Philippines to submit ideas for logos and taglines that reflect the deep friendship and multi-faceted connections between our two countries.

We were heartened by the positive response. The quality of the entries we received is a testament to the spirit of creativity in our two peoples.

It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of the logo design contest: Mr. Renante Tatel Corporal of the Philippines! His entry is appended below.

Announcing the winner of the logo design contest for the 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Philippine relations

Inspired by his love for Greek mythology, Mr. Corporal’s winning logo features the griffin – a creature that symbolises strength, courage, and intelligence, and whose half-lion, half-eagle physique is an amalgamation of the two national animals of our countries, namely the lion for Singapore and the Philippine eagle for the Philippines. The open wings of the griffin symbolise the openness of our two countries towards each other, as we soar towards success. The vibrant colours used also represent our two countries – each wing of the griffin reflects our respective national flags, while the golden torso symbolises the celebration of our golden jubilee.

Congratulations once again, Renante!


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