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Monday, June 17, 2024

It’s party time!

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Getting ready for the festive season—blocking off dates in the calendar and picking outfits to wear—is a big part of the holiday fun. But it can be quite challenging for those planning the party.

It’s party time!
Host a masquerade ball-themed Christmas party this year.

Celebrate a memorable Christmas by putting scented candles on your front door, recycling décor, and following these eight idea starters to pull off an exceptional party without a hitch.

Mark the date 

For Rochelle Salvador, a 4th year college student, what made their holiday party last year special was that she and her high school friends were able to find time to bond despite their busy schedules. 

“It was a simple gathering—we had a boodle fight and we rented a videoke machine. It was the first time that we were able to open up [about] our own struggles and problems to each other. And I think that’s what made our friendship even stronger,” she recalled.

Since Christmas is the busiest time of the year for many people when it comes to social events, be sure that you have consulted with your guests on which date they are available and identified which night of the week they prefer to attend the party. 

You should also request the guests to provide information on any special dietary requirements or allergies that you’ll need to consider when selecting menus.

Choose a venue

The best Christmas parties for Pearl Gumapos, also a 4th year college student, has always been the quiet and intimate ones at home.

“Small dinners with my immediate family are sort of a breath of fresh air. As mundane as they are, the intimate parties at home are some of the best since they have never once required me to be anything but myself,” she said.

Gumapos added, “When you think of Christmas, especially here in the Philippines, you always think big. It always have to be a feast with delicious food and all that. So many people put focus on having an extravagant Christmas that they tend to forget that what matters most is that you’re with your family.”

Before choosing a venue, decide whether you want to throw your party at home or rent a space. Celebrations at home are more cost-effective and ideal for 35-40 guests or less while renting a space is ideal for a large group of people.

To ensure maximum attendance, it is important to note where most people will be traveling back to at the end of the night.

Finally, make sure that your budget and venue can handle the number of people you plan to host.

Make it a themed party

Having everyone come in costume or at least a particular color makes all the difference between an ordinary party and an amazing one. Everyone is just a lot more pumped up when they have prepared a unique look for the occasion.

Here are a few themes that could elevate the mood in your party space: a Christmas masquerade ball, a chocolate factory-themed party, or a hat party.

Organize a few Christmas games

While small talk can be fun, there is only so much to be said before the conversation runs dry. To breathe some life to the party as well as encourage interaction among guests, play a game of White Elephant or at least have some type of activity planned. The trick is to choose the right games based on your theme and group dynamic.

Another game that suits large groups is Family Feud, in which players are broken into teams answering questions from the list of holiday-themed survey responses. Each team will be given an allotted time to answer and the host reveals if their guesses were on the list and the value of their answers.

You can also organize teams and get them to answer questions about different Christmas traditions and holiday trivia. You can also give everyone the chance to show off their talents through a mini talent show. Ask them to take their performance a notch higher and skip the usual song-and-dance numbers and instead do a short comedy skit.

Set up a DIY photo booth

Pictures will always be a proof of valuable memories that occurred in a gathering. Make memorable moments captured instantly by preparing a photo booth.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can make your own booth by setting up a camera on a tripod and several festive cloths to serve as a backdrop. Gather props such as colorful wigs, oversized glasses, Santa hats, faux fur scarves, and toy crowns, among others.

Serve a dinner featuring everyone’s favorite food

Aside from bonding with friends and families, another thing guests look forward to the most in these parties is the food.

Now is the time to whip out those recipes you’ve spent the entire year pinning. Make sure everyone is satisfied with the festive feast by preparing a menu composed of classic dishes such as paella and crackling pork bagnet; and desserts such as decadent cakes and chocolate barks.

You can also include do-it-yourself tacos, shawarma, and burritos to foster family-style sharing and encourage guests’ interaction.

For instant Christmas ambiance, use a green tablecloth to line the buffet. Add evergreen leaves or fresh pine to the table. Arrange a couple of potted red poinsettias to make a table centerpiece.

Scatter green and red apples on the buffet table, and mix in contrasting textures and colors of fruits, such as small mandarin oranges, red cherries, or ripe guavas.

Set up a movie corner

Another way of bonding with guests is setting up a corner where they can watch heartwarming and hilarious holiday films such as Home Alone or The Santa Clause. This will amp up the festive vibes for your Christmas party and keep your guests entertained.

Before the guests arrive, prepare the projector, spread bean bags and soft pillows around, and transfer finger foods such as chips, fish crackers, and peanuts into small bowls. This will keep the guests busy and delighted while you’re cleaning up or setting the dinner table.

Bust out the karaoke

From belting out the joyful holiday hits of Michael Bublé to singing whistle notes like Mariah Carey, your guests will surely have a laugh-filled night jamming to good ‘ol hits.

Rent a karaoke machine and get your guests together for a holiday song throwdown after the program has ended. After all, for Filipinos, any occasion is a perfect time to bring out the karaoke.

Supply the guests with a range of snacks such as mini sandwiches, fresh skewered watermelon or pineapple cubes, and individually-wrapped chocolate crinkles.


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