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Monday, July 1, 2024

Resolve the electoral vandalism

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Part I

What the Duterte followers do not know is that the opposition is determined and set to oust him the soonest possible time so they could install their bogus vice president. They hope to kill two birds with one stone. One is to remove the President by the usual clerico-elitist method of takeover, and two, to render the protest of Bongbong Marcos moot and academic. In the event Duterte is ousted, there is nothing more to protest because the cheating vice president would then takeover as de facto President.

Because of our patience to tolerate this kind of anomaly, the Commission on Elections practically looks at every Filipino as absolutely stupid. This I say because the evidence of massive cheating requires them to do something beyond mechanically recounting the votes and should act motu proprio to punish those responsible for rigging the election. With massive evidence of fraud, which the Comelec has shown complete incompetence to resolve, an investigation is warranted and prosecution of those responsible beginning in the hiring of Smartmatic and all those Comelec officials who connived and collaborated in rigging the 2016 election.

The result presented by Comelec is disparaging and insulting to the intelligence of the Filipinos that a power grab is now a great possibility. The Filipino people can no longer take this open travesty to their dignity and intelligence of having to render obeisance to one they never elected but supplanted by a machine out to defend foreign interest done through electoral manipulation and cheating.

Evidence showing massive rigging, manipulation and even outright vandalism to destroy ballots should have automatically compelled the Senate to prosecute those responsible in hiring Smartmatic. Engaging this CIA-front company cost taxpayers billions. In the end we were systematically cheated, with the Comelec acting as sanctifier of the criminal act.

The Robredo camp, visibly assisted by her handlers in Washington, desperately want Duterte out to prevent the Comelec from finishing its job. They would rather impeach or overthrow President Duterte so that Marcos and his followers would forget all about their electoral protest. And then, by virtue of the revolutionary government, they would be free to handpick their lackey as vice president.

It is also a desperate race to prevent the ruling administration from pushing through with Charter change because the yellow opposition considers the 1987 Constitution a legacy of the woman who destroyed the constitutional process of succession through election. The clerics and their supporters that benefited it will join the anti-Duterte protest not for reasons they are united in their faith in God but for the fact that they want the continuation of the tax-exemption on their properties and businesses.

There are many instances indisputably showing how they rigged the election, but their testimony and conduct before the PET show that they are no longer acting as independent arbiters but as defenders/counsel for Smartmatic. The manner by which the Comelec conducts its hearing is no longer in pursuit of its solemn duty to uphold a clean, honest and fair election but in defending, at all costs, a cheater which is a slap on the face of the people who have been instilled to invoke the values of being makadiyos, makabayan, at makatao.

The prurient result of the election is more than sufficient to prosecute these Comelec officials who carried out this systematic desecration of the electoral process in favor of a shameless and obdurate lapdog. Defrauding our people of their sovereign right to elect goes beyond the issue of electoral protest but of betrayal and possibly treason because they practically delivered our interest to a foreign power.

As enumerated by UP Professor and Doctor Francisco “Kiko” Pascual Tranquilino, there are six instances how these officials committed the following acts:

1. June 22, 2018: Robredo Party Revisor Osmundo (Ritchie) Abuyuan, bonding with 24 Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) Chief Tabulator, Head Revisors, Alternate Head Revisor, Head Ballot Box Custodian, Ballot Box Custodians, Appraiser and other PET personnel in 3J’s Resort in Pansol, Calamba, Laguna 

2. July 26, 2018: As expected, Comelec siding with Robredo on 25 percent Shading Threshold on Vote Recount.

3. July 31, 2018: Hearing of Senate Committee on Electoral Reforms and People’s Participation where Atty. Glenn Chong was able to show proof of cheating during the 2016 Elections which favored VP Robredo. Imagine, machines were already transmitting results from Camarines on May 8, 2016 even before election started on May 9. 

4. July 31, 2018: Atty. Bernadette Sardillo—Lawyer of Robredo—coaching Senator Drilon on what to ask Atty. Glenn Chong during the Senate Hearing

5. Atty. Emil Maranon III—Rappler Opinion Writer and a Robredo Consultant —was invited as Resource Speaker during the Senate Hearing, on what capacity? He is a Robredo Consultant, why do we need him in that hearing? 

6. Claire Cattleya Amador—Head, Public Policy, Facebook Phil., works at the Office of the Vice President—why are FB posts related to the Senate Hearing on Comelec-Smartmatic Fraud last July 31 being deleted by FB.

Even the votes of the members of Iglesia ni Cristo in some precinct where their votes could easily be traced and tabulated simply evaporated by the hocus pocus done by Smartmatic scrambling machines.

A deeper implication of this electoral shenanigan is it resulted in the destabilizing the government with the duly elected President accommodating one that carries with her a bogus mandate, which by itself constitutes a serious crime. For the fact that Leni Robredo carries with her a falsified mandate, logically she is committed to do everything to thwart the investigation that would nullify her proclamation, and for which the Comelec is now acting as the lawyer for Smartmatic with one snoring senator acting as collaborating counsel for Robredo.

It seems that Comelec and Smartmatic are giving us Filipinos their smirking smile as if to tell us just how stupid we are. They committed a serious crime of subversion to politically destabilize the government. This I hasten to say because their proclamation of Robredo is giving justification for her to instigate the removal the President. It is only out of the fact that she does not command the majority of the members of Congress and of the Senate why she and her power hungry yellow cabals could not initiate an impeachment case against the President.

President Duterte should not even accept any suggestion to legitimize the fraud committed by the Comelec and Smartmatic. That would automatically enlarge the number of anti-administration congressman and senators. Proclamation of the fake vice president as winner would give incentive to remove him. From there, they could proceed to block all cases lined up against their chieftain who led this government to a complete waste.


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