There are safe food and there are toxic food for dogs.
Here are some tips from Anajli Prasertong in the article “1 Healthy Fruit & Vegetable Treats for Your Dog or Cat” in @kitchn.
First off, Prasertong lists healthy fruits and veggies for dogs:

1. Carrots
2. Asparagus
3. Celery (stalks are best)
4. Zucchini
5. Green bell peppers
6. Cucumber
7. Broccoli
8. Blueberries
9. Watermelon (remove the seeds)
10. Peaches (remove the core)
11. Strawberries
Second, Prasertong stressed: Never give your dog the following:
1. grapes
2. raisins
3. garlic
4. onion
5. avocado
6. chocolate
Third, Prasertong emphasized: “Treats should make up no more than 10 percent of your dog or cat's daily calories, so don't overdo it.”

“My three-year-old rescue dog, Goblin, will do anything for a morsel of food, which is why I always keep a stash of dog treats on hand. But the cost of high-quality treats without corn and other fillers can start to add up.. My dog is already a fan of apples, carrots and blueberries, but I've never thought about giving her things like celery stalks — apparently a good substitute for rawhide — or watermelon. And who knew my cat might enjoy the ‘semi-moist crunch’ of zucchini? “ Prasertong said.
Prasertong added: “A few things to keep in mind: Cats don't like fruit because they lack receptors for sweetness.”