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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Senate pursues issue on haste in Dengvaxia deal

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The Senate Blue Ribbon has resumed its investigation into the Dengvaxia controversy.

Committee Chairman Richard Gordon is zeroing in on the role of each of the health officials during the time of Former President Noynoy Aquino in the purchase of the vaccine against dengue.

Gordon has been saying that the health officials acted with undue haste in approving the use of Dengvaxia for the national immunization program of the Department of Health (DOH).

Among the resource persons he is grilling in today's hearing is Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Acting Director General Dr. Hartigan-Go.

Gordon believes Go was among the persons responsible for speeding up the acquisition of the vaccines from Sanofi Pasteur despite the fact that the vials had not passed the pre-qualification requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Among the documents Gordon disclosed was an email of Go on January 16, 2017 to other FDA officials in which he was urging the agency to come up with the post study on Dengvaxia.

Go had told then FDA Officer-in-Charge Maria Lourdes Santiago that the FDA must finish the review or "we will all get into trouble or create preventable problems."

"You had been interfering," Gordon told Go.

The lawmaker also said Go had told the health officials that then President Aquino had made a political decision backing Dengvaxia.

Gordon had previously stated that Go was pushing for Dengvaxia as he had worked for Zuellig Foundation.

Zuellig Pharma distributed Dengvaxia but Go said the foundation was separate from the drug distributor.






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