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Which cancer tests do you need to take today?

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Early detection of a disease always saves lives. This is especially true for cancer. 

Cancer that is detected early is more likely to be treated successfully. The chances of the disease’s spread in the body are also reduced significantly. 

Medical expert and MediCard president and chief executive Dr. Nicky Montoya underscores the importance of undergoing early screening particularly for some of the most common cancers, which are cervical, colon, and breast.

The Breast Clinic in MediCard Lifestyle Center in Makati has surgeons who specialize in breast conditions. 


Cervical cancer screening 

Cervical cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the cervix grows out of control. Women aged 21 to 30, or are sexually active, should have a pap test or pap smear, a microscopic analysis of cervical tissue samples, every three years. High-risk women have to be screened more often. Risk factors include a family history of cancer, use of birth control pills for five or more years, and a history of HPV (Human papillomavirus) infection. A pap test takes about 10 to 20 minutes. The doctor swabs the cervix to get a sample of cells. The sample will be sent to a laboratory for testing and the results will be available after a few days. 

Colon cancer test

Several screenings are available to detect cancer of the colon such as colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and stool testing. In colonoscopy, the colon is checked for cancerous or precancerous polyps, or abnormal growths in the rectum or colon, through a flexible tube with a light and camera at the tip. Sigmoidoscopy is similar to colonoscopy but it only examines the rectum and the lower (sigmoid) portion of the colon. For stool testing, a sample of the stool is tested for small traces of blood that may indicate colon cancer. 

“People should undergo colonoscopy starting from age 45. Younger people should consider testing if they are at high risk,” says Dr. Montoya. Risk factors include family history of cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, obesity, smoking, type 2 diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, and a diet high in processed meats. 

Breast cancer test (Mammogram)

A mammogram, or X-ray of the breast, is so far the best way to detect breast cancer early. Women aged 50 to 74 should undergo mammogram every two years, especially if they have a high risk of getting the disease. Risk factors are dense breasts, menstrual periods that begin before age 12 or end after age 55, not having a child before age 30, postmenopausal hormone-replacement therapy, obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. 

At MediCard Lifestyle Center Breast Clinic, women breast surgeons can screen for lumps using digital mammogram and breast ultrasound, or even conduct biopsy using mammotome, which enables them to collect tissue samples and make highly accurate breast cancer diagnosis without the need for open surgery.

Visit a MediCard clinic near you or check out their website at for more information.


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