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Sunday, September 8, 2024

ERC asked to correct data on renewables

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Power retailer Manila Electric Co. asked the Energy Regulatory Commission to ensure that accurate data are used in calculating the feed-in tariff allowance to lessen the burden on consumers.

Meralco said in a filing with the ERC that some solar developers in Luzon reportedly generated output during night time. “To illustrate, several solar generation facilities registered output when the sun was not visible, as shown in the Philippine Electricity Market dispatch reports,” it said.

Meralco also noted a discrepancy between the installed capacity of some biomass and run-of-river developers that could avail of the feed-in tariff rate.

“It becomes imperative that consumers and other stakeholders such as herein intervenor Meralco be assured that only correct, pertinent and accurate information be considered in calculating FIT-All and be well informed at all times of any data/information used in calculating the FIT-All as well as the FIT paid to RE developers. It is only by doing this that consumers are assured that the FIT rates are just and reasonable,” Meralco said.

The National Transmission Corp. has a pending petition with the ERC to increase the feed-in tariff allowance by another P0.1051 per kWh for 2017.

The company said that in order for the FIT allowance rate and the payments to the developers to be correct, just and reasonable, it is necessary that only pertinent, correct and relevant information

be used in calculating the projected revenues, meter data and payments.

The power distributor noted a difference in the approved capacity of the renewable energy projects under the Department of Energy’s database for certain biomass and run-of-river hydro projects, as

against the capacity in the application of TransCo.

Meralco said there was an increase of 10 megawatts in the TransCo application for feed-in tariff availment which would contribute to the increase in the feed-in tariff allowance charged to consumers.

“Thus, it is respectfully submitted that the projected RE generation should be determined using only the approved installed capacity,” it said.

Meralco said only accurate meter data for energy delivered by eligible renewable energy plans should be used as payment to feed-in tariff developers.

“RE developers are paid per kilowatt-hour generated as reflected in their respective meters. Thus, the accuracy of meter data is crucial when it comes to determining the appropriate FIT to which RE

developers are entitled to,” it said.


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