28.7 C
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

QC hosts Freedom Walk for PWDs

QUEZON City will host around 2,000 people today in the 7th Freedom Walk at the Quezon City hall compound.

With the theme “Each Right-full Step, All Barriers We Break,” the freedom walk is one way for persons with disabilities to celebrate Independence Day. 

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The freedom walk aims to give PWDs a united voice in pushing for their rights, acceptance and inclusion in society.

Mayor Herbert Bautista tasked the city’s PWD Affairs Office to oversee the hosting of the event.

The event is the opportunity for the PWDs to showcase their talents and interact with one another.

“This is also an expression of their desire to be free from shackles of discrimination, inequalities and poverty.” Alyansa ng may Kapansanang Pinoy president Oscar Taleon said.

AKAP-Pinoy is expecting 1,500 to 2,000 participants in today’s event.


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