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Friday, March 7, 2025

End of ‘endo’ helps 424 workers

PALO, Leyte—The drive to end illegal contractualization has benefited 424 workers in Eastern Visayas in the first four months of the year, but more efforts should be done to help employees get regular jobs in the next months.

Department of Labor and Employment Regional Director Exequiel Sarcauga emphasized the need to conduct more orientations in the bid to help employers realize the value of ending “endo” or labor-only contracting.

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“Hopefully, we can ask them to volunteer regularizing because that’s the first thing we ask, or else we will impose what is stated in the law,” Sarcauga told reporters during the Labor Day regional celebration at the Leyte Academic Center.

With more than 1,000 workers regularized in 2016 in six provinces in the region, the DoLE official said they would redo orientations to employers on the ending of labor practices.

Under the Labor Code, companies may only use contractual arrangements for positions that are seasonal or project-based in nature, and are not part of the core function of their operations.

During the Labor Day commemorative program, the government conferred the appointment to 14 regularized workers of Philippine Smelting and Refinery Corp. or Pasar in Isabel, Leyte and nine employees of Ultrasteel Corp. in Tacloban City.

Niño Eparwa, 30, of Matlang village in Isabel, Leyte, was one of the Pasar workers appointed as a regular employee after five years as a helper and plant operator.

The young father will receive P20,000 monthly pay as plant operator on top of rice subsidy, house allowance, scholarship for his child, and leave benefits.

“I have peace of mind now that I have a stable job because I am entitled to more benefits. This is such a big help to our family,” Eparwa said.

The labor department expects that the number of workers benefiting from the move to curb illegal contractualization will continue to rise every month with the inspection of more establishments.

The DoLE adopted two tracks in eliminating illegitimate contractualization, including labor-only contracting or “endo.”

In the first track, the DoLE regional offices conducted series of consultations and meetings to encourage employers to voluntarily regularize workers who are under “endo” and labor-only contracting arrangements.

For the second track, labor laws compliance officers inspected establishments, principals, and contractors that are practicing labor-only contracting arrangements.

Those found to be engaged in labor-only contracting are subjected to mandatory conferences to assist them in their compliance with labor standards. 


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