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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Creating a myth

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Up to now, Leni Robredo is trying to create a myth out of her fictional achievements. She continues to style herself as the vice president with overbearing arrogance. Even if we give it to her that she has been proclaimed by the Comelec, she overlooked the fact that it was a legal fiction done to speed up the constitutional procedure. It did not prevent her rival candidates from contesting her election just as her proclamation will not erase the doubt that she won, or to be precise, that she cheated which reason why her “election” is being contested by Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.

The protest may not be a question directed against her, but definitely the outcome will have direct bearing on her integrity. If she wins in the recount, that will vindicate her, but if she loses that will prove she is indeed a person we can never trust. In fact, it would require the complete “idiotization” of our people to believe that Bongbong Marcos, who was leading by nearly one million votes in the early counting could be overtaken by nearly half a million votes by daybreak.

The result was unbelievable much that the computerization of the election was supposed to eliminate the practice of trending just as it is illogical for us to believe that votes from the provinces were coming in trickles to create a false impression that Robredo was leading. The Smartmatic counting machines and the Church-backed bogus electoral watchdog that calls itself the “Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting” took turns in cannibalizing the election results to ensure the victory of their puppet.

While there remains a question about the authenticity of her victory, Robredo should refrain from overtly beaming herself out because at the back of their mind, she is nothing more but a fraud and an impostor. As said, she merely holds the legal fiction of having been proclaimed and not of the fact that she was voted by the people.

President Rodrigo Duterte was far more accommodating in appointing her as member of his cabinet. Her appointment as Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council head was not an obligation borne out of political coalition. As one serving at the pleasure of the President, she should have shown herself as more than a yellow partisan by doing her job as a diligent public servant instead of posing as hypocrite model for elitist magazines. Alas, she abused the hospitality by playing the role of a termite working from the inside to destroy the credibility of the President.

For all of what they say about the brusque language of the President, he still proves himself a gentleman by appointing one from the opposition to participate in the decision-making process. To allow an au courant who claims to know best while her followers, acting like raving mad dogs, are riling for his resignation was a magnanimous gesture exhibited by the President.

What Robredo did was typical of the rascal behavior of the Liberal Party, the yellow oligarchy and the hypocritical Church, always reminding us to follow the rules of the US brand of democracy, but given the chance, would not hesitate to incite the soldiers and their agitators to trash the Constitution by launching a coup d’ etat in the clever name of “people power.” It is revealing that as political cannibals, they are not really out to protect the people, but only their interests.

Aside from being a good-for-nothing demagogue, Robredo has become paranoid that she now points to Bongbong Marcos as responsible for her being kicked out of the Cabinet. Fortunately, that exposed her lie that she resigned. Nonetheless, it was most stupid for her to blame Bongbong. First, Bongbong has to wait for one year before he can accept any position in the government. Having run in the preceding election, he is prohibited from accepting any government post. Second, Bongbong can never entertain the thought of seeking to replace her because that would automatically forfeit his petition for a recount, and by the looks of it, he will win in the recount. This is what that stupid demagogue fears most.

Finally, we must not forget that Robredo cheated her way to become vice president despite the fact that she accomplished nothing as representative from Camarines Sur. Maybe she knows that Noynoy, her idol and now kingmaker accomplished nothing as congressman, as senator, and even became President for nothing. So, why bother when she knows it is not the people who will decide but the vested interest class made up of the oligarchs, the Church and the US imperialist?

She is aware that the foundation of her political career is built on a heap of lies. As one would put it, “puro drawing lang.” The people she often referred to as belonging to the laylayan in our society could easily be swayed by her sweet talk with the propaganda machine of the mainstream media doing the rest in spellbinding the need to realize her ambition.

Talking of interference, our people could not understand why a former Filipina and a widow who married a rich black American continues to rant against the government. Loida Nicolas Lewis even has the temerity to ask President Duterte to resign to give way to their brainless puppet. This yellow-enacted law called “dual citizenship” should be abrogated or declared unconstitutional for it gives aliens the license to interfere in our domestic affairs.

This Loida Nicolas Lewis and her cabal of carpetbaggers like Jim Paredes have been blackmailing and threatening to destabilize the government whenever the President refuses to give in to their lobbying in a manner described by John Perkins as “economic hitmen.” Former Local Government Secretary Rafael Alunan is right that sedition charges should be filed against these aliens pretending to be patriots. They continue to interfere in our politics as though the country remains a colony of the US.


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